Festivalul european de poezie Sibiu 2007
18 autori din 12 ţări se vor reuni, în perioada 3-6 octombrie 2007, la Festivalul European de Poezie Sibiu 2007. Publicul din România va avea ocazia să asiste la dezbateri şi lecturi susţinute de Urs Allemann (Elveţia), Mircea Cărtărescu (România), Inger Christensen
Silvan. Portretistul / The Portrait Artist, 2011, 190 p.
Introducere, cronologie şi selecţia lucrărilor de Adrian-Silvan Ionescu. Ediţie bilingvă (română-engleză) Istoricul şi criticul de artă Adrian Silvan Ionescu adună în acest album o parte importantă din creaţia tatălui său, celebrul portretist SILVAN
Gabriela Omăt - Modernismul literar românesc în date (1880-2000) şi texte (1880-1949), 2 volume, antologie (vol.1 - 676p, vol.2 - 422 p), 2009
„Teoretizat şi relansat de către E. Lovinescu într-o celebră suită de cărţi, cele mai controversate şi mai definitorii pentru interbelicul românesc, modernismul devine, şi rămâne în tot restul secolului, la noi, un reper tipologic şi chiar un criteriu subînteles
François Villon - Balade şi alte poeme, 2006, 200 p.
Ediţia de faţă este reprodusă după volumul apărut în 1956 la ESPLA: François Villon, Balade şi alte poeme - traducere de Dan Botta, prezentare de Tudor Arghezi.
Night Lights Light Nights Of Bucharest
Sometimes glowing colorfully in the dusk air, as doors of museums open up for late visitors, or, some other times, its dark sky flushed by lasers for white nights of entertainment, Bucharest often begins to live and breathe anew after sundown. White NightsNow that the
Grigore Antipa In The Bucharest Of The Beginning Of The 20th Century
Grigore Antipa Museum of Natural History Having returned to the country after finishing his studies his studies and his PhD. thesis, awarded summa cum laude at the famous University of Jena, on 1 April 1893 Dr. Grigore Antipa was appointed director of the Zoology department
The Vandals' Academy
Bucharest, the city of all filth, all sorts of architectural absurdities, moronic and petty houses, disgusting hotels, stinky pubs… Bucharest full of flies and primitive latrines; Bucharest with no water and few sewers; Bucharest with horse-drawn trams; Bucharest with
The 20th Century - The Century Of Avant-Garde
The year 1900. Europe's countries are divided on the question: does the 20th century begin in 1900 or in 1901? Some opt for 1900, by virtue of the change in the figure of the hundreds. Others are partisans of 1901, for reasons of more sophisticated arithmetic. Particular
Walking With A Cane In Bucharest
Bucharest Again It is hard to explain the emergence of a language and the birth of a nation – they seem to be part of a mystery. All of a sudden, history records, in some part of the world, an unknown nation and a new language, probably derived and related, but new.
Fixed Prices
After the conclusion of the treaty with Germany, a big cloth producer from Berlin called his oldest and most loyal clerk and told him:The Treaty with Romania was ratified. Mr. Madger1 was quick. We must resume immediately our relations with the Romanian merchants. You called
The Keys
Mitzu and Barutzu have grown up some and started conspiring. In the brief reprieves between a lot of hair-pulling and two-way jostling, with their generation's interests in mind, they eventually realize they are in duty bound to organize against the big guns: Mummy
The leader of a new political party has just written to me from Bacău. I quote:I have wandered the snows of the county for a few days now. I've had very little rest, but have walked and talked quite a lot instead. The electoral problem consists in wiping off the oratorical