
Georgiana-Margareta Scurtu - Relaţiile internaţionale în contextul celui de-al doilea război mondial, 2006, 370 p.

„Tema aleasă spre cercetare de Georgiana-Margareta Scurtu este importantă şi atrăgătoare, puţin cercetată în amănunţime, deci interesantă şi dificilă. Ea acoperă un aspect notabil al relaţiilor dintre România şi Franţa într-o perioadă bântuită de

Costel Safirman, Leon Volovici - Noi întâlniri la Ierusalim, 2007, 526 p.

Structurat în trei secţiuni (Dezbateri – Evocări – Portrete), volumul consemnează momente elocvente ale reuniunilor din ultimii ani ale Cercului Cultural de la Ierusalim. La un deceniu şi jumătate de la înfiinţarea Cercului, „întâlnirile au devenit, după

Maria Muscalu Albani (concepţie şi coordonare) - Corneliu Baba. (album, ediţie bilingvă română-engleză), 2008, 112 p.

Albumul Corneliu Baba, cu o introducere de Andrei Pleşu, prezintă 77 de lucrări care se găsesc astăzi în Muzeul Naţional de Artă a României, Muzeul din Timişoara şi Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti. Imaginile sunt însoţite de texte aparţinând artistului însuşi:

Voltaire - Candide sau optimismul, 2006, 118 p.

Candide este una dintre bijuteriile literaturii franceze, o bijuterie cu sclipiri amare, dar exaltante, aruncând spre noi o eternă întrebare: este omul un erou al faptei cotidiene, este el o marionetă mişcată de pura întamplare? Irina Mavrodin

Paul Willems - Acvalonia, 2006, 72 p.

Paul Willems (1912-1997) a fost unul dintre ultimii mari scriitori flamanzi care au ales limba franceză. Este autorul mai multor romane şi al al unei foarte importante opere dramatice, începute în 1948, care i-au adus recunoaşterea internaţională. Universul lui, impregnat

The Friend From The Provinces

Carturesti bookstore, National Museum of Contemporary Art. Your cousin from Timisoara is coming to the city. People from Banat and those from Bucharest don’t seem to see eye to eye, that is a known fact, but your duty is to make him feel at home. For him, home means very

Honest Thieves

I once saw some Romanian thieves on a bus in Rome and I thought they're just bad publicity for us, but every cloud has its silver lining: maybe this way we'll get rid of them, maybe they'll go and steal from richer people. A cop confirmed that over the past

Who’s Left In Bucharest

The house painter. He has a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and his appetite for work is equal to nothing. His torn t-shirt doesn't give you any clue on the fee he will demand at the end of the day after slothfully varnishing a wall which can neither resist nor

Current Houses

Several TV channels have been offering lately, especially on the lazier weekend days, shows about houses. They're filmed at more than sluggish speeds, with repeated shots and, usually, presented by voices that just can't contain their admiration for the ideas of

The Construction Of Saint Joseph’s Cathedral

Red bricks are the distinctive feature of this construction, next to the white rosette, a huge round window above the main portal: thereby, the reader has most certainly recognized the Archbishopric of Saint Joseph's Cathedral. It is one of the landmark buildings in

“I Think We Are Committing Suicide”

New police station on L. Catargiu St. and Architects' Order on A. Verona St. An interview by Eugen Istodor with Şerban Sturdza, Chairman of the Order of Architects Lesson: how we can bend the lawReporter: I would like to start from a very concrete thing: we are at

Urban Memory: Museums Of The Romanian Capital

1st row: National History Museum, Old Court Museum, Archeology Museum (detail), National Museum of Art2nd row: Collections Museum, Zambaccian Museum, Theodor Aman Museum, Gh. Tattarescu Museum 3rd row: Storck Museum, Romanian Peasant Museum, Astronomical Observatory (detail),