

from A Concert of Bach's Music The Amzei Church had donned a festive appearance. People had started coming as early as three o'clock, and by four – the time of the ceremony – the street was crowded with carriages and automobiles. An archbishop was serving.


I set out on my exile into myself,you are my countrywhich I can no longer approach,you are the country where I was bornand learnt to speak,I know only you in the world. I swam in your eyes so oftenreturning to shore with my body all blue,I navigated you so many timeswatching

The Veil Is Lifted ...

In no fight, therefore nor in the one fought today by women around the world, as well as by women closer to our soul, Romanian women, to claim their right to social life, have women ever been militant. But their voice may accompany the warlike onset of their hawkish sisters,

Kyra Kyralina

JEALOUSY(excerpt) For an hour, in the copse where they had stopped for their midday meal, Stavro refused to tell the story of his childhood which he had touched upon in the hayloft. He didn't really object; he was in a mood for evoking youthful memories, but he wished


You believe in illnessin weariness for good You forget to breatheYou don't move You wait for the pain it comes You watch it intentlyas from the abyss of a halland it looks for your eyes The room lurkingsighs in your stead You feel drowsyyou rise you riseyou slowly

Fetiţa (Girlie)

I saw an ad in newspapers about a trip to the mountains and I got in without knowing anybody. About 30 of us crowded in a big race vehicle, so boys and girls, parcels, cigarette smoke, and jokes mixed up together at random. A certain Biţă was speaking in my ear untiringly.


The blue bird, the blessed birdWas making its nest in my heart. Little by little were slainBoth my heart and the blue bird.  Who is the cruel hunterWho did this to you, my heart?Who put you in the tombWith the blessed bird? by Elena Văcărescu (1866-1947)


from Requiem for Fools and Beasts That day, Estera did not come to the stadium, but the following two evenings she was there again; however, I did not pluck up enough courage to speak to her, and after overtaking me several times, she kept running about three hundred meters


The flood resumed and I was on a boat with himhe took along seven pairs of each animaland sailed at willtoward another promised landbut I knew he was not Noah. A nauseating smell of dead animals engulfed him constantlyand more fearful than a sparrowfacing a catI prayed

Donna Alba

excerpts First of all I have to recall that moment of my life which was the origin of the incidents that I will evoke in these confessions. It was the instant – so dramatic to me – when I first saw Alba. But right in that moment, which twisted so many years that were


Without loving you, I still love your voice,Without tearing me apart, your look touches me. My heart is more alive when I behold you,I dream of the flaws of your beautiful mouth.   My books, I wrote them for you, young men, And I left therein Like children biting into


My illness is a silk flag I'm wrapping around their necks strangling them measuredly but which is the illness, which is the passion, and which is the madness?Neither do I know them too well only a violent gesture made one evening in winter, a shiver of my body when