
EURESIS 2017-2018 Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires et culturelles / Romanian Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies

Le modèle français dans la culture roumaine / The French Model in Romanian CultureEdiția 2017-2018 a revistei Euresis este consacrată „modelului francez“ în cultura română. Cele mai multe contribuții din acest număr, publicate în limbile engleză și franceză,

Gabriela Culic - Album bilingv, în limbile română și engleză

„Albumul monografic propune o privire asupra creaţiei Gabrielei Culic din ultimele două decenii şi prezintă, într-o ordine stabilită de autoare, lucrări din seriile cele mai recente (2018-2020) în pandant cu lucrări realizate începând cu 2004. (. . . )

Why Animalia

Animals have well-defined pigeonholes assigned by the traditional Romanian mindset. From wee to huge, all creatures are cast in distinct roles that any inhabitant of temperate geographical areas will recognize: hardworking as an ant (or bee), stupid as a goose, haughty as

The Fox: From Fable To Reality

see image A widely-spread carnivorous mammal, the fox has been drawn to the attention of the people ever since early Antiquity, remaining throughout the ages the most steadfast symbol of slyness, cunningness, cruelty and cynicism. Totemic animals from one region in the

Slow Beasts, Easy Life

See Gallery One would wonder why the ox is so preferred by most of the Romanian landscape painters at the turn of the century. One reason is a name, Barbizon. Both Nicolae Grigorescu and Ion Andreescu, the leaders of the generation, were configuring their artistic project

Images, Legends, Symbols

by Victor Simion

The Pig Way

see Gallery The Story of the Pig is one of Ion Creanga's loveliest stories. The story of the pig in contemporary Romanian art is, in its turn, one of the most exciting. The image of the pig in current art ranks, unexpectedly, among the most significant and consistent

Biodiversity Protection Beyond 2010

The real chance that Romania has to shelter the most numerous populations of bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes (almost 33,800 species of animals, out of which 33,085 are invertebrate and 707 are vertebrate) is what inspired us to extend this invitation to the world. The

The Tomis Sculpture Treasure: The Dioscuri

The divinity is represented standing, nude, looking ahead. The horse is smaller than the body of the Dioscure god. Only the left part of the statue of the two Dioscuri was preserved. Height = 0. 520 m; Width = 0. 107 m; Depth = 0. 350 m. Statue in slightly corroded, yellowish

Lupa Capitolina

The Roman antiquity in Dobruja: the she-wolf, Lupa Capitolina, the emblem of Rome on a funerary stela Lupa Capitolina of Ibida (Slava Rusa village, Tulcea County)The funerary stela of a Roman soldier from Legion XI Claudia camped in the south of Dobruja at Durostorum. The

The Dog

They say Elena Ceauşescu used to watch porn films and make love with Şarona and Corbu. The two labradors only ate real sausages, in contempt of a whole nation that didn't even know the taste of meat, gorged as they were with sausages made of soy, grissle and mouse

Animal Representations In Dobrogean Antiquity Art

see Gallery The animal kingdom was amply represented in antiquity; there have been discoveries of representations ranging from the tiniest insects (the ant) to big wild animals (bear, wild bull). These representations reflect either the occupations of the people of those