
Paradise Now

For any visitor of the Danube Delta it is extremely difficult to ignore the beauties it lavishly displays all around. One can obviously go to the Danube Delta simply to do business there, in fisheries, in shipping or in any other industrial branch. One can go there to participate

The Danube Delta - Landscape Of The Year 2007/2009

click  LANDSCAPE OF THE YEAR – AN ONGOING PROJECT OF FRIENDS OF NATURE INTERNATIONALEvery two years since 1989, Friends of Nature International (FNI) has designated a European cross-border region of ecological value as Landscape of the Year. The project takes up the current

The Maritime Cemetery Of Sulina

I enter Sulina as one would enter a myth; that is to say, I have that feeling of chimerical quality, of life heightened into memory. The ship sets anchor, therefore I find myself at Sulina, the gateway to the Delta, watching the white countenance of the town, the neatly

Medals Of The European Danube Commission

Fig. 1. Lifeguard medal with ribbonFig. 2. Medal of the European Danube Commission Fig. 3. Medal commemorating fifty years of the European Danube Commission Fig. 4. Medal commemorating seventy-five years since the founding of the European Danube Commission The 1906 bulletin

Sulina: Past And Present

In the late 19th century, Sulina, although modest in size, was one of the most prosperous towns in Romania, thanks to the activities of the European Danube Commission. Numerous edifices and monuments (presented below), which have survived to the present day, although now

Sulina In History

Today, Sulina is Romania's easternmost port. It is easy to find on any map of the world: one merely has to trace the course of the Danube to the point where it empties into the sea. There, at the river's end, on a spit of land, a group of people settled and prospered,

Jacques Yves Cousteau And The Unique Natural Park

excerpt Commander Jacques Cousteau first met Romania at the beginning of his career and came back after 1990 in order to evaluate the quality of the environment, study the pollution and its consequences on the environment, and formulate opinions on how to protect the life

The Delta Danube Landscape In The Patrimony Of The Art Museum In Tulcea

The Art Museum Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea The Tulcea County Museum, established in 1950, was – almost naturally – a heterogeneous structure, whose painting collection contained the works of a single artist: Geo Cardaş, a local painter who depicted

Alexandru Ciucurencu

A colorist in many ways, from air brushes to firm lines, Ciucurencu (1903, Tulcea-1977, Bucharest) organizes his chromatic universe into well-defined shapes, by means of a rigorous drawing absorbed by the paint. The painter doesn't like osmosis and, whenever necessary,

Romanian Dishes, Wines, And Habits

excerpts THE DELTA ISLAND An island: the most spectacular and unusual part of Romania, neither water nor land. Isolated, lacustrine, villages, depending very much on nature and fishing, a labyrinth of lakes, canals, realms overflowing with wildlife. An extraordinarily

Ryna, A Film By Ruxandra Zenide

Color photo©2000-07 OutNow. CH: Dorotheea Petre in RynaB&W photo©2000-07 OutNow. CH: Ruxandra Zenide click here to see trailer A Pacific Films/Strada Film/Elefant Films/TSR co-production. Produced by Eric Garoyan, Xavier Ruiz, Catalin Mitulescu. Directed by Ruxandra

The Curtain Re-opens In Sfantu Gheorghe - The Anonimul International Independent Film Festival 2007

Only a few days to go before movie-goers and lovers of nature will be able to fulfill their dreams: films in paradise! A remarkable display of art in the enchanted Danube Delta, precisely where the mighty river flows into the sea, offering its own splendid aquatic and vegetal