The Images Of The Nations. Ethnic And Ethic Characteristics
* The boom of geographic discoveries and trading expeditions that began on the eve of the Renaissance and continued throughout that era developed a new taste for describing remote, if not downright imaginary, countries and peoples. Before being discovered, the savage was
A Brief Overview Of The Armenian Community In Romania
Editor-in-chief of Ararat The oldest evidence of Armenian presence on Romanian territory is an inscription on a tombstone dating back to 967; it was found at the White Fortress (Cetatea Alba). At around the same time, the presence of an Armenian colony in Transylvania is
Nationality In Art, 1927
excerpts What is a nation? We shall define: A nation is the totality of blood-related individuals, living on a determined territory functioning as a necessary support to their existence, and sharing: a common language, which they have shaped themselves, a common past,
Proud Dislikes
Just like all the other peoples, when they don't hate them outright, many Romanians have less than a high opinion of their neighbors: Bulgarians are seen as coarse – but resourceful – vegetable growers, Hungarians – as bloodthirsty (but proud, hardworking, reliable)
Nr. 83 - toamna 2012
Sumar Lettre Internationale nr. 83 RetrospectiveMircea Malița: Criza rachetelor Herta Spuhn: Încrâncenare, sarcasm, speranță Geo Șerban: Balcic – temă cu variațiuni *** Balcic – provocările privirii DIALOG Lidia Vianu – C. G. Săndulescu: „11 - 33” Dincolo
Burse pentru traducători profesionişti
Programul de burse, derulat de ICR prin Centrul Naţional al Cărţii, îşi propune formarea unei noi generaţii de traducători ai literaturii române într-un număr cât mai mare de limbi străine, precum şi o colaborare mai strânsă cu traducătorii profesionişti
Burse pentru jurnalişti culturali din străinătate
Burse pentru jurnalişti culturali din străinătate Preambul: Acest program îşi propune promovarea fenomenului cultural românesc în presa străină. Astfel, ICR acordă burse jurnaliştilor străini care propun proiecte de lucru vizând România şi cultura română.