
Lettre Internationale - nr. 103 / toamna 2017

A apărut un nou număr al revistei Lettre Internationale. Revista se găsește și la standul Institutului Cultural Român, în cadrul Târgului Internațional de Carte Gaudeamus (22-26 noiembrie 2017). SUMAR Nr. 103 RETROSPECTIVE Georges Nivat – Anul roşu 

Lettre Internationale - nr. 101-102 / primăvară - vară 2017

A apărut un nou număr al revistei Lettre Internationale, editată de Institutul Cultural Român. SUMAR Nr. 101-102 FILOSOFICE Costica Bradatan – Filosoful eșecului 3 Dan-Alexandru Chiță – Imperialismul fără imperiu 7 John Roberts – Despre eroare

Gábor Tompa: din opera unui regizor: de la Trei surori la Livada de vișini

Gábor Tompa: din opera unui regizor: de la Trei surori la Livada de vișini / Gábor Tompa: a stage director's oeuvre: from Three sisters to The Cherry orchard / Tompa Gábor: egy rendezo életmuvébol: a Három novértol a CseresznyéskertigPrefața de | With an introduction


Dialogul Cultural Europa-China, Spații publice și poduri între culturi la Palatul Parlamentului din Bucureşti – MODERNISM. roautor: Cosmin Năsui 21 octombrie 2014 Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (1) Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (2)În perioada 15-17 octombrie 2014


„Triumful României şi „noii regi ai festivalurilor – ZIARUL DE DUMINICĂ6 ianuarie 2012 Pe 29 decembrie Furia (foto 4) şi pe 30, Boogie (foto 5), cele două filme ale lui Radu Muntean, programate la Filmoteca din Madrid, încheie Zilele filmului românesc organizate


Jurnalul Naţional, 24 noiembrie 2009 Autor: Costin Anghel Cântecul românesc s-a făcut auzit serile trecute în inima Timocului sârbesc, la Bor. România a trimis la fraţii ei mai mici pe unul dintre cei mai de seamă interpreţi ai ţării, pe maestrul Tudor Gheorghe.


(excerpt) (…)Utility, beautiful, good, value – what are they good for? We only have to strip the object of all these cretinized uniforms. Sometimes I catch myself providing it with them. Then the object looks crippled, fettered. The force of habit, this idiotic habit

Bucharest - Memory Walled-In

Architecture represents a means of interrogating history. Rather ominous, it is to be feared, when the question applies to the Romanian capital. Why so? The way Bucharest has been subjected to transformations in the last century accounts for the living changes affecting

Visiting The Şeulescu-Stere Collection

The old painting gallery of Ploieşti, established in 1931, represents the starting point of the Art Museum in Ploieşti, part of the current PrahovaCountyArt Museum. This painting gallery was established in the 1930's, very productive years for the appearance of galleries

How I Became A Collector

The feelings for beauty and for art in general are multiple and diverse; they follow an ascending path, turning into a passion for the sensitive person, who loves it and who vibrates with emotion in front of any artistic manifestation situated on the realm of perfection.

Georges De Bellio, A Romanian Witness To The History Of The Painting Olympia

The year 1863 was full of events that had a significant impact on the artistic world of Paris. On the 24th of July, the new rule of the annual Salon, organized in the Palace of Industry, was announced. The rules were perceived as a way of waving the jury, formed only by

On Love And More Than Love

It is amazing how many children are begotten from the sentimental exultation that one or the other of their parents feel for a third person, another than the partner in the respective action, irrespective if the person in question be a man or a woman. Sometimes this third