
A Useful List For Those Who Want To Know The New Village Better

excerpts I did a great deal of field work in my life. I was on the road a lot, I slept in official rooms, good rooms (for guests), camping grounds, cheap hotels, and especially villages. I visited very different worlds, though some were neighboring. What was preserved in


In our form of civilization the collective factor is predominant. The Romanian is a sociable creature. That explains why subjects that involve mass movements, uprisings, war, riots are more successful (see Rebreanu). by George Călinescu (1899-1965)

Eulogy To The Romanian Peasant

Maiden Speech at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 1940excerpts Gentlemen of the Academy,Honorable Audience, I am elected to a newly-established institution, and I wish to preserve the academic tradition of lauding a forerunner, therefore I feel obliged to come forward with


Hurried tourists who, after visiting superficially a few Romanian towns, go back home and talk about a certain native indolence of the Romanian people, do more than an injustice – they put a real affront on the peasantry that, from the beginning to the end of the year,

Music - A Mirror Of Specific Romanian Psychology

It has been justly stated by foreign researchers that the melancholy of the Romanian folk doina, transposed by the brilliant George Enescu into learned creation, in the characteristic and unmistakable lyricism of the people at the curvature of the Carpathians and the mouth

The Meaning Of Existence In Romanian Folk Poetry

excerpts Chapter IIISolitude Generally, the Romanian folk poetry shows a tendency toward an ideal and transparent world, which is full of serenity. The frequency of the optimistic motifs proves to what extent it would be good to know this surface only, but an inner disquiet


Ancientness is also confirmed by our energetic fatalism (which is not at all an Oriental aspect). Newer peoples are more stirred by desires, the achievement of which will barely endure, whereas Romanians cultivate a sound skepticism toward any pointless undertaking. New

Mioritic Fatalism

I don't know how it happened, but I have been hearing lately, in various contexts, the well-known adage of our Mioritic fatalism. The meaning was approximately the same every time: nothing is done and nothing can be done because the Romanian is a fatalist, resigned,

The Mioritza Space

excerpts We have wondered many times if it is possible to find or to hypothetically build a matrix-space, or an unconscious spatial horizon, as an underlying spiritual layer for the Romanian folk culture anonymous creations. The subject is worth the risk of any and all


In Miorita I believe I could see the force of Romanianism, not only in transfiguring the brutality and coarseness of history, but also in opposing it the refuge in splendor. by N. Steinhardt

The Psychology Of The Romanian People

Chapter X. The Influence of Physical Factors. The Climate and the Geographical Position The crystalline atmosphere that envelops the Carpathian Mountains and the hills of Oltenia and Moldavia resembles perfectly the atmosphere from the mountains and hills of Florence. Wallachia's


Many are the peoples that crossed the land over which Romania extends today. They left their mark in ancient Dacia, Moesia and Thrace, in the Greek colonies, Roman provinces, and Byzantine themes. The indigenous populations blended with the newcomers and produced a Romance