
14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

13 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants - ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on

15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on

1 Jan 2017 - 14 Dec 2017

2017 - Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners in Bucharest / Cursuri de limba română pentru străini în București

Learn Romanian at the Romanian Cultural Institute! ROMANIA(N) IN A NUTSHELL - Romanian Language Classes for ForeignersThe Romanian Cultural Institute has been organizing the Romanian language courses for foreigners, in Bucharest, since 2008. If you want to study Romanian

4 Nov 2017 - 26 Nov 2017

"CON-FRONT EAST". Pictori și pictură din Cluj-Napoca, la New York

ICR New York a realizat un nou proiect major, dedicat artelor vizuale: expoziția CON-FRONT EAST / Painting from Cluj,în colaborare cu Universitatea de Artă și Design (UAD), din Cluj-Napocași cu Gallery RIVAA, din Roosevelt Island, New York. Expoziția a

23 Nov 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

17 Nov 2017 - 19 Nov 2017

Festivalul Filmului Românesc de la Seattle

Institutul Cultural Român din New York (RCINY) și American Romanian Cultural Society (ARCS) din Seattle au plăcerea de a prezenta Festivalul Filmului Românesc de la Seattle „Un ochi râde, un ochi plânge - Povestiri de departe” / „One Eye Laughing, One Eye Crying:

16 Nov 2017 - 16 Nov 2017

Premiera britanică a filmului „BRAȘOV 1987. Doi ani prea devreme” la „Cinemateca românească”

We remember the courage of a city which in 1987 turned its exasperation into revolt, confronting head-on one of the harshest dictatorships in the world. 30 years after the anti-communist uprising in Brașov, a major city in central Romania, we are proud to host, at the Romanian

9 Nov 2017 - 15 Nov 2017

DUMItRIO, turneu românesc pentru lansarea albumului „Proverbe”

Proverbe, cel de-al doilea album semnat DUMItRIO – promovat, cu sprijinul ICR, între 6 octombrie și 15 noiembrie 2017, în Olanda, Belgia și România –  creează o atmosferă inițiatică cu alură românească, susținută de compoziții narativ-intuitive și