Save The Danube And Its Delta - Catavencu Academy Association

Governor of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve AuthorityPresident of Save the Delta-AC Association The association Save The Danube And Its Delta-Catavencu Academy (aka Save the Delta-AC) is a non-governmental organization founded in May 2004, whose purpose is to protect the

Bird Observations In The Danube Delta And In The Dobrodgea (Romania)

4. DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  excerpts As a result of our observations we think that for more than 48 European breeding bird species the Danube Delta-lagoon lake-Dobruja region is of high importance for Eastern Europe or even for the whole of Europe. this region

Saving Pelecanus Crispus In The Danube Delta

Pelecanus crispus is classified as vulnerable within its whole geographical distribution, from Yugoslavia to Mongolia. Its present world breeding population is estimated at 4,000-5,000 breeding pairs. The European population of P. crispus is crucial for the survival of the

The Involvement Of The Romanian Ornithological Society In The Protection Of Birds

Romanian Ornithological Society Area Manager, Tulcea Branch A few years ago I was the guide to the Danube Delta of a member of the British Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. He had been to many reservations, not only in Europe, and at the end of the day, when we

Preserve The Largest Wild Bird Region In Europe!

President of the German Nature Conservation Trust I was born and raised so close to the still tiny Bavarian Danube that I could observe the lime leaves in our garden, swept away into the river by the autumn wind. As an infant, I used to squat amongst the willow stalks on

The Bystroye Canal In The Ukrainian Danube Delta

SUMMARY On May 11 2004, the Ukrainian government officially launched the construction of a canal to aid shipping through the Danube Delta. The actual digging started on 16 May 2004. The Government has chosen a route called the Bystroye Canal that will cut through the heart

The Danube Delta - What Future For Europe's Wetland Jewel?

Open any publication, booklet or website about Romania and it is almost impossible not to find any reference about the Danube Delta, the lost Paradise on Earth. The aim of this article is to provide the readers with information about the Danube Delta's natural wealth

The Danube Delta - Landscape Of The Year 2007/2009

click  LANDSCAPE OF THE YEAR – AN ONGOING PROJECT OF FRIENDS OF NATURE INTERNATIONALEvery two years since 1989, Friends of Nature International (FNI) has designated a European cross-border region of ecological value as Landscape of the Year. The project takes up the current

International Relations

INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION Since the declaration of the Danube Delta and its geo-morphological appendages as a Biosphere Reserve in 1990, specialist environmental protection institutions from abroad have displayed interest in developing collaborative relations with the

The Danube Delta: The European Vision On Environmental Protection

Former Governor of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority The Danube Delta is the greatest protected natural area on the European continent, the best preserved wetland region of Europe and the only delta in the world declared entirely a biosphere reserve. One may say

The Lord Of The Baton In the Land Of The Delta

If you had the job of a customs officer in the Danube's ports at the end of the 19th century, this meant that you had to go from Sulina to Galaţi and from Giurgiu to Corabia and, to be sure, Leonte Georgescu was not spared such compulsory travels required by his position;

The Maritime Cemetery Of Sulina

I enter Sulina as one would enter a myth; that is to say, I have that feeling of chimerical quality, of life heightened into memory. The ship sets anchor, therefore I find myself at Sulina, the gateway to the Delta, watching the white countenance of the town, the neatly