The Danube And Other Rivers

Mistress of the mouth of the Danube, Romania has a closer interest in the great river than any other nation. The Danube is to Romania not merely a great trade channel, connecting the Baltic and the North Sea with the Euxine; but since the river forms a delta comparable with

The Delta - Reality And Symbol

I've only been to the Danube Delta a couple of times in my relatively long existence: the first time was at the end of the 50's, when I dwelt in the Sfantu Gheorghe (Saint George) area, at an observation resort belonging to the Romanian Academy, a resort that was

Delta And Anti-Delta

The Danube flows in accordance with all theories and definitions. After crossing Europe, it flows into the Black Sea, forming a delta which conforms entirely to the general definition of a delta. Over the centuries, the Danube had many other names: Danubius, Istrus, Histru,

Grigore Antipa And The Danube Delta

Grigore Antipa was one of the most brilliant students of Professor Ernst Haeckel of Jena (the great promoter of Darwinism) and later became a scholar with varied scientific interests who had outstanding results in his work that made him famous all over the world. The young

The Danube Delta

At the end of the Danube, where the 2859-kilometre river meets the Black Sea, there lies the youngest land in Romania, in part formed only in the last two millennia: the Danube Delta. As a matter of interest, we should mention that in the immediate vicinity can be found

The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR)

The Danube Delta is one of the most extensive deltas of the European continent and, at the same time, Europe's best-conserved wetland. The Danube Delta's ecosystems, which are of a mosaic type, diverse and discontinuously distributed, create a unique setting compared

When Dream, Play And Innocence Are Serious

Where do I come from? I come from my childhood. I come from my childhood as from a country. Antoine de Saint-Exupery Is fascination with childhood a convention? No, inasmuch as, for most of us, childhood was filled with wonderful things and games, fairy tales and ingenuity,

Romania: Population Structure By Ethnicity (2002 Census)

Romanians: 19,399,597 / 89. 47 % Hungarians: 1,431,807 / 6. 60 % Roma: 535,140 / 2. 46 % Ukrainians: 61,098 / 0. 28 % Germans: 59,764 / 0. 27 % Russian-Lipovans: 35,791 / 0. 16 % Turks: 32,098 / 0. 14 % Tatars: 23,935 / 0. 11 % Serbs: 22,561 / 0. 10 % Slovaks: 17,226

The Foreigners And The Modernization Of Bucharest

excerpts Short overview The modernization of Bucharest was a complex and dynamic historical process, spanning roughly the interval between 1848-1948, a period when the process of modernization of the Romanian society in its totality revolved around the town of Bucharest

The Truth Hides Behind Laws And Declarations

The National Minorities Issue In Romania When tackling the issue of national minorities in Romania, one should stick to the realities of the life of the ethnic groups in question. Most importantly, when discussing concrete steps for the protection of national minorities,


Queer figures constitute the salt and pepper of literature since, at least, Petronius's Satyricon and Apuleius's The Golden Ass. Writers are mesmerized by irregular minds, behavioral oddities and abnormalities because people at large crave for the dark side. From

Loosening The Lace

Time. Lighting. The artist. Coercion. An indefinable instinct (common sense?). Arousal. Prurient interest, as defined in the Roth or Miller tests. The function (sexual proxy) assigned by the individual viewer or reader. Beauty, shape, or truth versus lust. Communication