
24 Dec 2007 - 24 Dec 2007

Cursuri de Limbă Română pentru Străini / ROMÂNIA PE SCURT

Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners ROMANIA IN A NUTSHELL If you want to study Romanian for your business, for your job or for fun, the language courses given by the Romanian Cultural Institute are the right choice! Courses for all levels, from beginners to

25 Jun 2007

Un nou program al Institului Cultural Român: PUBLISHING ROMANIA

Mai multe categorii de proiecte editoriale finanţate de ICR Institutul Cultural Român lansează un nou program de finanţare destinat promovării culturii române în străinătate prin intermediul proiectelor editoriale: PUBLISHING ROMANIA. Programul va funcţiona

România la Târgul Internațional de Carte de la Cracovia

În perioada 27-30 octombrie, Centrul Național al Cărții și Institutul Cultural Român de la Varșovia organizează standul românesc la cea de-a XXV-a ediție a Târgului Internațional de Carte de la Cracovia, unul dintre cele mai prestigioase târguri de carte

ANUNȚ de organizare a concursului pentru ocuparea unor posturi vacante din cadrul I.C.R



Turneu internaţional de promovare a Festivalului Enescu, organizat de ICR - AGERPRES 31 ianuarie 2011 Institutul Cultural Român va organiza un amplu turneu internaţional dedicat promovării Festivalului Internaţional George Enescu şi creaţiei compozitorului român,


Mythology, just like the vernacular, is a product of the folk spirit that does not excel in speculation but finds an unconscious, spontaneous, inspired, and not-at-all roundabout way of expression. Mythology presents in all sincerity the attitude of primitive man towards

The Collections Of The ‘Grigore Antipa’ National Museum Of Natural History

see Gallery The cultural and historical essence, identity and creative source of a nation all reside in its cultural heritage. It therefore has considerable historical, aesthetic, sociological and scientific value, and should be protected by society through laws, institutions

The Raven: A Totem Or A Bad Omen

Scientific classification Class AVES Order PASSERIFORMES Family CORVIDAE Sub-family CORVINAE Genera and species CORVUS CORAX CORAX – the raven CORVUS CORONE CORONE – the black crow CORVUS FRUGILENUS FRUGILENUS – the rook   COLEUS MONEDULA SPERMOLOGUS – the Jackdaw

From Physiologus To Bestiary: Function And Desideratum

Towards the end of the 12th century, in full maturity of the Romanesque order—and this concordance is purely symptomatic—a new type of book was created: The Bestiary with illuminations, which would have a particular impact and an overwhelming influence among educated

On People And Horses

see photos an interview with Marian Chiseliţe, photojournalist Marian Chiseliţe, 31, has a degree in law but he never went into practice, although he very much wanted to. He had all sorts of jobs, even working as a “transport coordinator dispatcher” for a truck company,

Bucharest – A Collection Of Smells

Photos by Dan Hayon excerpts My first adventure in the capital city, sometime in my early adolescence. Confusion and ecstasy, fear and the excitement of the unknown, as though in a foreign country where, strangely, everyone speaks my own language. A dizzying cocktail of

That Underground Next To Us

In history, the diurnal has always been a distorted image of the nocturnal. In daylight, events are the way we want to see, feel, and understand them. The nocturnal rejects such a compromise for the tranquility of crowds. It has existed next to us since the dawn of history,