
Memoirs Of A Witness

I was born and I spent my childhood in the capital of the country that is called Romania, a state that at that time had prided itself for about a decade with the name of Greater Romania, which was a creation of the preceding generation, but also the outcome of a long series

The Serbs

Short history The Slavs, the ancestors of the Serbs, began settling on Romania's territory in the early Middle Ages. The Serbs from north of the Sava and the Danube, as well as those who went to the Balkan Peninsula, in the 7th century, became Christians in the second

She's All Eyes...And Ears

Visky András's play Juliet was launched into an international orbit. It was translated into Romanian, staged at the National Radio Theatre, and made into a CD. The play is requested in New York; the Greeks want to play it… Its success is well deserved. It is a sincere

Balkania - Our Eternal Return

I think I would never have come to love Balkania so much, had I not met Marina Marinescu in Munich several years back. We had been acquainted since we met for the first time in Athens. Florin Marinescu, the specialist in Byzantine history to whom I was talking one day in

The Croats

Representing a southern Slavic origin population, the Croats in Romania are a homogeneous community with specific traditions and customs, being preponderantly Roman Catholic.  Short history Scholars from Croatia, especially linguists, are very interested in the language

L’Europe Agricole Devant La Société Des Nations

Le déséquilibre économique produit par la guerre mondiale a préoccupé la S. d. N. dès le début de son fonctionnement et, au moins de septembre 1925, suivant la proposition de M. Loucheur, l'Assemblée a décidé de convoquer une conférence économique internationale

Comparatisme Et Théorie De La Littérature

IUNE POETIQUE COMPARATISTELa régénération fondamentale du comparatisme n'exige pas seulement une nouvelle orientation, carrément militante, mais aussi une reconversion radicale dans un sens théorique et poétique. L'opération implique une réforme résolue

On National Specificity, 1935

If I had had the courage to speak freely, directly, without resorting to these pages in front of me, and without caring about the serious language mistakes I may make in French – and which I will definitely make –, if I had the courage to start my free conversation with

A Spiritual Itinerary, 1928

excerpts Mr. Mircea Eliade starts from the premises of the break between today's generation and the former one. Today's generation, restless, effervescent, vibrant, exulting, has a life of its own, with numerous experiences; it doesn't artificially follow

Modernization In 20th Century Romania

If we refer to the interwar period, believed to be a landmark among other periods of history, it was in fact an agitated, convulsive interstice in which many older weaknesses of the social body, especially of the ruling class, were prolonged. The new political organizations,

King Carol II And The Myth Of Eternal Romania

The historiographical approach is one of the fundamental elements of the political system which propaganda may serve. The legitimation of a political regime and its leader through the national historical pantheon represents a necessary action for the dynamism of the propagandistic

Psychology Of The Romanian People, 1937

excerpts II In the following paragraphs, we intend to outline a few data regarding the spiritual traits of the Romanian people, from the point of view of its social and economic life. Most of these data are obtained by comparing habitual spiritual manifestations of Romanians