

I am working on a new project entitled Memory for Sale (Childhood Included) that represents an attempt to gain access to another level of conscience, at which thought, sensation and body are no longer separated. I will finish the show during my two-months stay in Vienna

A Recital For All Those Who Love Dance

On May 20, on the occasion of the International Dance Day, the stage of the National Opera hosted a ballet recital. The performance proper was preceded by an opening speech by Mihai Brediceanu, the president of the Dancers', Choreographers' and Music Critics'

A New Contemporary Dance Company

None of the totalitarian regimes of this century had any particular liking for the modern art trends and made them eventually disappear from the area controlled by them. Too free a manifestation of one's personality meant escaping their power. In Nazi Germany just as

Workshop 1, 2, 3, 4

The forms of modern dance, present but not officially supported before 1990, appeared and survived due to the love for them of several choreographers and dancers who used to have the occasional show on various theatre stages. Their importance has been growing since the above

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The Young Choreographers

The opening of a department of Choreography in the Theatre and Film Academy in 1991, started to produce results two years ago. The academic training offered a large cultural opening to the dancers and choreographers that studied there. I had the chance to see some of the

The Chosen Chooser

Who is this Roman Vlad who composed 'The Seagull'? a well-known director asked me, a great music fan, therefore always present at the concerts and shows of the Enescu Festival. The meaning of this question was suggested by its intonation: Who is this Roman Vlad

A Beckett Dance Show

The recent premiere presented by the Center for Artistic Expression of the Odeon Theater, Not Me and Solo, from Samuel Beckett, is a dance show by Raluca Ianegic, and it proves that choreography has indeed found in Beckett a good companion in ideas, as his work corresponds

The Exceptional Value

It's been a long time since, at the Romanian Opera, I have assisted at a première with an allure of great show as it is now Mihaela Atanasiu's Peer Gynt. An authentic première, not the remake of a show put out of the program for a while, not the resumption, either,

I Don't Have Any Nostalgia For Princes Charming - Interview With Tiberiu Almosnino

Vivia Săndulescu: Tell me, Tiberiu Almosnino, how many years have you been serving the opera?Tiberiu Almosnino: I graduated from the Choreography High School in Bucharest in 1981, and the same year I was hired at the Romanian Opera, following a contest. So… VS: If you

A Dance To The Music Of Words

I have often wondered why dance should necessarily be accompanied by music. The lines of a poem have their own sounds, rhythm and balance. Poetry is not made of such stuff as ideas, dreams or feelings, but of words, and their worldly counterpart, the sounds. Even the prose

Daniel Eszralow - Interview, 1999

For the first time ever three American choreographers, Moses Pendleton, David Parsons and Daniel Eszralow will create a novel performance for the Romanian World and Olympic Champions at aerobics. AEROS – a world premiere that will take place in Italy. Physically extremely