From The Mountains To The Sea
During autumn and winter, migrating peregrines come to our country from the north, looking for prey in the fields as well. However, the ones who nest here can also be seen in the mountains during the warm season. Another bigger bird of prey, which also lives in rocky regions,
The Bull And The Magpie
Up and down the back of a big, black bull that looked appalling, one magpie was slowly strolling. A wee doggie passing by stopped to marvel at the sight. “He’s an idiot alright! Carrying everybody on his hide… Hey, maybe I can hitch a ride!” Thus considering,
Losing Endangered Species?
Our domestic fauna is not okay at all: we have 62 endangered species. These are in addition to the dozens of species already lost. Still, when it comes to diversity, we are doing fine: out of all countries we bring the largest number of bio-geographical regions to the European
Homeless Bears And “Stupid Idiots”
on the fight between the hulky body of the hunted and the narrow mind of the hunterYou're a stupid idiot!-thus sounded the insult addressed by a desperate man to a taxi driver, before my very own eyes. The text you are about to read is governed by this paradoxically
The Legendary Wolf: A Shy Killer
The one and only wildlife reserve for wolves in Romania is near Zarnesti, Brasov County. Still, it is weird that, in a country where the wolf threat is used to make children behave themselves and Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale almost assimilated as folklore, a reserve
One Spring Morning
With his empty game bag and rifle on his shoulder, Loveţ the woodsman was slowly walking up the path stretching under the hill. A silly cuckoo was singing in the ash trees on the nearby summit; from the valley, another cuckoo answered its call. The forest had almost leafed
Noaptea Institutelor Culturale 2010
Noaptea Institutelor Culturale, unul din cele mai populare evenimente culturale bucureştene, a ajuns pe 25 iunie 2010 la cea de-a patra ediţie. Din seara zilei de 25 până în dimineaţa zilei de 26 iunie, s-au desfăşurat în jur de 70 de evenimente în 11 locuri din
REEDITARE / Narcis Dorin Ion - Reşedinţe şi familii aristocrate din România, 334 p.
Cuvânt înainte de Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici. Reşedinţe şi familii aristocrate din România prezintă cele mai importante, din punct de vedere arhitectonic şi istoric, situri aristocrate şi expune succint biografiile aristocraţilor ce au stăpânit domeniile
REEDITARE / Narcis Dorin Ion - Residences and Families of the Nobility in Romania, 334 p.
Versiune în limba engleză. Traducere în limba engleză: Mihnea Gafiţa Cuvânt înainte de Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici. Reşedinţe şi familii aristocrate din România prezintă cele mai importante, din punct de vedere arhitectonic şi istoric, situri aristocrate
Ştefan I. Neniţescu - Scrieri de istoria artei şi de critică plastică, 2009, 430 p.
Volumul de texte critice ale lui Ştefan I. Neniţescu, unul dintre marii esteticieni ai perioadei interbelice - alături de Tudor Vianu, Alexandru Busuioceanu, Petru Comarnescu ş. a -, cuprinde mici eseuri despre pictori români şi străini, deopotrivă, care, dincolo
Consiliul de conducere
Consiliul de Conducere al Institutului Cultural Român este compus din:1. Liviu Sebastian Jicman (Președinte al Institutului Cultural Român)2. Weinberger Attila Iuliu (Vicepreședinte al Institutului Cultural Român)3. Corina-Raluca Încrosnatu (Vicepreședinte al Institutului
Festivalul Internaţional Zile şi nopţi de literatură - "Literatură, înainte de toate", ediţia a VIII-a, 2009, 464 p.
Volumul cuprinde texte de Adrian Alui Gheorghe, Naim Araidi, Florin Bican, Andrei Bodiu, Leo Butnaru, Gabriel Chifu, Denisa Comănescu, Traian T. Coşovei, Ioana Crăciunescu, Dan Cristea, Mariana Dan, Nichita Danilov, A. Debeljak, Gabriel Dimisianu, Myriam Diocaretz, Gellu