Festivalul european de poezie Sibiu 2007
18 autori din 12 ţări se vor reuni, în perioada 3-6 octombrie 2007, la Festivalul European de Poezie Sibiu 2007. Publicul din România va avea ocazia să asiste la dezbateri şi lecturi susţinute de Urs Allemann (Elveţia), Mircea Cărtărescu (România), Inger Christensen
Dialogul Cultural Europa-China, Spații publice și poduri între culturi la Palatul Parlamentului din Bucureşti – MODERNISM. roautor: Cosmin Năsui 21 octombrie 2014 Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (1) Dialogul Cultural Europa-China (2)În perioada 15-17 octombrie 2014
„Triumful României şi „noii regi ai festivalurilor – ZIARUL DE DUMINICĂ6 ianuarie 2012 Pe 29 decembrie Furia (foto 4) şi pe 30, Boogie (foto 5), cele două filme ale lui Radu Muntean, programate la Filmoteca din Madrid, încheie Zilele filmului românesc organizate
Our Defense Abroad
Let us not be deceived by articles and books issued by courtesy or for which we pay, and this so seldom. We are not loved abroad. Even if people remember the fine welcome we give people – which is so comprehensive according to the customs, and at times even sufficiently
An Aesthetics Of Femininity. Psycho-Critical Determinations
At the same time, the great Russian also remarked that woman is always what we want to make of her. Femininity triggers off creative energies. Through it, the Author dominates the epic matter, and this helps him complete his plan, plot, work. Femininity delays the end by
Kyra Kyralina
JEALOUSY(excerpt) For an hour, in the copse where they had stopped for their midday meal, Stavro refused to tell the story of his childhood which he had touched upon in the hayloft. He didn't really object; he was in a mood for evoking youthful memories, but he wished
The Destiny Of Old-Court Philanderers
In a recent French translation Old-Court Philanderers have made quite a sensation. Different from Panait Istrati whose epic caught our attention, Mateiu I. Caragiale is not so good at describing a certain medium; his force lies in his rhythm, his intimate thrill, his sentence
At Winder's - The Dragomans - Mishka - Ibrahim - A Motley Crowd
*On Handak street, which meets Anastase street a few steps away from the place where I'd eaten, the bustle was at its height. Although lazy and indifferent when they have nothing to do, Arabs are very much alive and quick when there's a chance of making some money.
Between Odessa And Piraeus
*I intended to be concerned with literary form in this series of reportage. I can see I have done better than I expected. At the moment, my problem is preserving the chronological order of events. Our departure from Odessa was marked by a small, insignificant in fact, incident,
I have always conceived of artistic beauties as divinities meant to make man better, to civilize the world. Likewise, never has my mind entertained the thought of art for art's sake. In the gloom of life, art is our only light, and perhaps the sole hope of universal
Chira Chiralina
excerpt Two or three years had passed in a very happy atmosphere, the only years of my childhood that stayed with me clearly. I was 11. Chira was 15 and I stayed with her all the time, with a voluptuousness that I was to understand only later. I followed her, like a dog,
Outcasts: Between Psychologism And Unjust Order
Romanians of more recent generations, but also some of the older ones, who were born before the Soviet occupation, and the instauration of communism in this country, without reaching then intellectual maturity, look to the period that was cut short in 1948 as a privileged