”Transcedens. In between speculations” ajunge la Istanbul
Institutul Cultural Român „Dimitrei Cantemir” de la Istanbul și Galeria Adahan, din vestitul district Galata, anunță deschiderea expoziției TRANSCENDENS. IN BETWEEN SPECULATIONS realizată de Anamaria Avram, artist vizual și Sorin Manu, producător de film
Anamaria Avram și Sorin Manu expun la Istanbul
Institutul Cultural Român „Dimitrei Cantemir” de la Istanbul și Galeria Adahan, din vestitul district Galata, anunță deschiderea expoziției „TRANSCENDENS. IN BETWEEN SPECULATIONS” realizată de Anamaria Avram, artist vizual și Sorin Manu, producător de
EUNIC - European Union National Institutes for Culture
Institutele si centrele culturale ale statelor membre UE reprezentate la Londra au semnat vineri 21 septembrie 2007 carta de constituire a filialei EUNIC Londra. EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture, www. eunic-europe. eu/) este o retea a institutelor
Apariţii editoriale
Cărţi apărute prin programul Translation and Publication Support (TPS) 1. Moderne Romensee verhalen (titlu original: Nuvele moderne româneşti), traducere de Jan Willem Boss, Atlas, Amsterdam 2008 2. Aura Christi, Elegien aus der Kälte, traducere de Edith Konradt,
ICR Budapesta la EUNIC
ICR Budapesta a luat parte in perioada 9-11 noiembrie la prima acţiune comună a EUNIC, Asociaţia institutelor culturale europene din Ungaria: un tur de cunoaştere a viitoarei capitale culturale europene Pecs 2010. Alături de directorii Forumului austriac, al Institutului
Biophysics for Medicine. Principles, Applications, Perspectives
International autumn school Biophysics for medicine. Principles, applications, perspectives October 11 – 16, 2007 Mangalia, Romania Organizers: Romanian Cultural Institute (RCI), Romanian Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics (RSPAB), International Union of Pure
Who Needs No Theater
I get up one morning and, you know me, I take Gazetta dello Sport, to see how goes Il calcio after the Bosman sentence, which represents such a situation that you can't even begin to understand what will happen to this much cherished game. And lo and behold, what do
At Medeleni
excerpt Olgutza's gifts, just like springtime's, proved that, during the three years of Parisian life, not only hadn't she forgotten any of the folks back home, but on the contrary, she had lived in them, like spring at the root of trees. Everybody loved
The Serbs
Short history The Slavs, the ancestors of the Serbs, began settling on Romania's territory in the early Middle Ages. The Serbs from north of the Sava and the Danube, as well as those who went to the Balkan Peninsula, in the 7th century, became Christians in the second