Three Romanian Conducting Maestros In One
Of all the great 20th century conductors, Egizio Massini was the only one who distinguished himself equally in three different fields (opera, symphonic music, and fanfare). Even if he made tours abroad conducting all threes types of music, opera was the genre that distinguished
On 20 November 1921 an enthusiastic letter written by the poet Cincinat Pavelescu is published in Rampa, a letter which we see fit to transcribe in full: Dear Mr. Editor in Chief, My life's absorbing activities of incessant work at the head of a newspaper without any
Dimitrie Cuclin
COMPOSER, MUSICOLOGIST, WRITER, FOLKLORIST, INSTRUMENTALIST, ESTHETICIAN, PROFESSOR, BYZANTINOLOGIST, PHILOSOPHER Born in Galatzi (24 March 1885), he began his musical studies with his father, the composer and professor Constantin Cuclin, continued at the Bucharest Conservatoire
The Ruthenians
I was, am, and will remain, a Rusyn. Aleksander Dukhnovici A short historyThe Ruthenians are a population that is descended from a Slavic branch of the Indo-European nations. Their name is mentioned by Julius Caesar, with reference to a Celtic tribe settled in Gallia Narbonensis.
About The Slovaks In Romania
The Slovakian migration to Romanian territory took place in several stages. It started in the 18th century (in particular the second half), and it grew stronger in the first half of the 19th century. The Slovaks mostly settled in four Romanian regions – the plains of Arad
The Czechs And The Slovaks
A Slavic population whose state construction is very recent, the Czechs and Slovaks represent a minority in Romania; they have brought respect for labor and education in our country, as well as a vigorous religious faith. Short history The Slovaks settled on the current
L’Europe Agricole Devant La Société Des Nations
Le déséquilibre économique produit par la guerre mondiale a préoccupé la S. d. N. dès le début de son fonctionnement et, au moins de septembre 1925, suivant la proposition de M. Loucheur, l'Assemblée a décidé de convoquer une conférence économique internationale
La Société Des Nations Et Les Minorités
Parmi les sujets que notre Académie a mis a l'étude, la Société des Nations, comme de droit, occupe une place d'honneur. Peut-on, sans trop d'inconvénients, aborder une question d'actualité dont la discussion n'est pas close à Genève? Je
Comparatisme Et Théorie De La Littérature
IUNE POETIQUE COMPARATISTELa régénération fondamentale du comparatisme n'exige pas seulement une nouvelle orientation, carrément militante, mais aussi une reconversion radicale dans un sens théorique et poétique. L'opération implique une réforme résolue
The Agrarian Revolution And The Evolution Of The Peasantry, 1923
excerpts Agriculture, qua exploitation, can never completely be geared into the capitalist system. K. Bücher, Enstehung der Volkswirtschaft, vol. 2 (1920), p. 84. In history, one never encounters peasants destroyed by the exploitative superiority of major competitors.