
61 de evenimente au fost derulate de ICR în cadrul Sezonului România-Franța

Institutul Cultural Român a contribuit la Sezonul România-Franța cu 61 de evenimente, derulate în cadrul a 33 de proiecte, într-un demers unic de diplomație culturală, în perioada 27 noiembrie 2018 - 16 aprilie 2019. Teatru, dans, muzică, cinema, literatură, arte

Cultura franceză va fi promovată fără clișee în 30 de oraşe din România, din 18 aprilie până pe 14 iulie

„Să uităm de clişee!, propune Sezonul România-Franţa, care va începe pe Calea Victoriei din București, odată cu Spotlight - Festivalul Internațional al Luminii, în cadrul căruia Franța este țară invitată de onoare. Institutul Cultural Român (ICR) este partenerul

Nr. 80-81 / iarnă 2011 - primăvară 2012

Sumar nr. 80-81 RetrospectiveNicolae Manolescu – Amintiri din lumea comunistă Livius Ciocârlie – Răspuns la o întrebare pe care nu mi-o pun Emmanuel Carrère – Limonov Dincolo de evenimentJohn Lanchester – Cum am fost cu toţii induşi în eroare Aristos Doxiadis

Bursa "Nicolae Iorga"

Bursa de cercetare şi formare postuniversitară şi postdoctorală „Nicolae Iorga „Ai noştri vor veni aici, vor sta în aceste încăperi pline de amintiri, vor contempla de la ferestrele largi întinderea roşie a acoperişurilor şi întinsele orizonturi. Vor coborî

Cristina Chevereşan - Wounds and Deceptions. Decadent and Modernist sensitives on the edge, 2006, 328 p.

Fin-de-siecle offers inestimable keys for the understanding of the emergence of a literary age that has never lost its defining profile. Coming from the outposts of Third Millennium post-modernism, Wounded Identities looks at mysteries that a century ago led towards the

The Skeptical Friend

How can you refute the arguments of the visiting friend who thinks that Bucharest is a city like any other and that besides the classical sightseeing there is nothing much to see? First you should draw up a list with all the things that impressed you in the capital: pubs,

Miniatures From Bucharest

Statuary art gallery in open airIn Bucharest, there are lots of boulevards, streets, buildings that have become so familiar to us that we almost no longer see their beauty, originality, uniqueness. . . It is like being in the middle of an enchanting park that you admire,

Nature And Architecture: The Parks And Gardens Of The Capital

Cismigiu gardens, Icoanei park, Kiseleff park (see also The green within in Gallery). Many of Bucharest’s gardens and parks, which no longer exist because of extensive urban reorganising, were shaped as the aristocracy tastefully redesigned the open space around their

Urban Memory: Museums Of The Romanian Capital

1st row: National History Museum, Old Court Museum, Archeology Museum (detail), National Museum of Art2nd row: Collections Museum, Zambaccian Museum, Theodor Aman Museum, Gh. Tattarescu Museum 3rd row: Storck Museum, Romanian Peasant Museum, Astronomical Observatory (detail),

Exitos Liricos Rumanos En España: Viorica Cortez

“Enciclopedia de una carrera” por Adolf Armbruster Barcelona, Gran Teatro del LiceoG. Donizetti: La Favorita / el papel: Leonora di GuzmanDirector de orquesta: Adolfo Camozzo / Director de escena: Diego Monjocon: Jaime Aragall / Luigi Ottolini (23 de noviembre), Vicente

The Tenderness And Betrayal Of Magdalene

I couldn't say I was properly introduced to Magdalene, the wording would be equally pretentious and inexact; as a matter of fact, she actually rushed into my studio… She was tired, exhausted, shabby, as if she had come out of the hundred year war. I had worked all

About Drama

Honestly, Corneille bores me. We probably only love him (without believing in him) out of habit. We are forced to. They imposed him on us in school. I cannot stand Schiller. For a long time I thought Marivaux' plays were unserious games. Musset's comedies are thin,