NR. 64 - iarna 2007-2008

SUMAR NR. 64 Pagini autobiografice Péter Esterházy – Harmonia cælestis Ion Vianu – Supunere, împotrivire, exil Dincolo de eveniment Jacques Rupnik – Populismul în Europa Centrală şi de Est Jacek Kochanowicz – Virajul la Dreapta Cultura – cardiograme

Sorin Dumitrescu - Iconostasul român de la Scala Coeli, 2005

La conceperea iconostasului de la Biserica Sfântul Ioan Cassian/Scala Coeli ne-am oprit fara sa ezitam la severitatea si profilul economic proprii ipostaze clasice de iconostas, ca suport simplu, pronuntat functional, cu lemnul aproape nedecorat. Motivatia acestei formule

Ion Stendl, Teodora Stendl - Ion Stendl şi Teodora Stendl (album, ediţie bilingvă română-engleză), 2004

Realizat într-o manieră originală de cei doi artişti, albumul Ion Stendl şi Teodora Stendl poate fi răsfoit în două moduri, prezentând opera celor doi artişti, precum şi ecouri din critica de specialitate. Excelând deopotrivă în pictură, grafică, tapiserie,

Magda Cârneci, Dan Hayon - Bucureşti. O colecţie de mirosuri / Une collection d’odeurs (ediţie bilingvă română-franceză), 2007, 104 p.

Alături de instantaneele bucureştene din fotografiile lui Dan Hayon, volumul conţine un eseu-poem al Magdei Cârneci, unde pretextul olfactiv prilejuieşte o călătorie prin tot ce are mai specific – bun sau rău – capitala de pe malurile Dâmboviţei: „Bucureşti,

Glasul Bucovinei Nr. 4 (56) /2007

Sumar BUCOVINA – PROCESE ISTORICE ŞI SOCIALE Marin Gherman, În afara limitelor de cunoaştere. Monitoring-ul presei (1 august – 15 noiembrie 2007) TEORIE, CRITICĂ ŞI ISTORIE LITERARĂ Nicolae Georgescu, Boala şi moartea lui Eminescu. Abordare filologică de bun

The Friend From The Provinces

Carturesti bookstore, National Museum of Contemporary Art. Your cousin from Timisoara is coming to the city. People from Banat and those from Bucharest don’t seem to see eye to eye, that is a known fact, but your duty is to make him feel at home. For him, home means very

Bucharest – A Collection Of Smells

Photos by Dan Hayon excerpts My first adventure in the capital city, sometime in my early adolescence. Confusion and ecstasy, fear and the excitement of the unknown, as though in a foreign country where, strangely, everyone speaks my own language. A dizzying cocktail of

The Town Within The Town

Government Palace in Victoriei Sq. a fragment from the novel Derapaj (Skid), Iaşi, Polirom 2006 Maria’s life glowed with a murky sort of splendor, her past, though committed to oblivion, constantly closing in on her and obscuring her thoughts like the spots of a solar

The City Is Beautiful When Asleep

An interview with Dumitru Gorzo by Andreea Ciupercă Dumitru Gorzo from Maramuresh made friends with the Capital that gave him everything, and now he's heading for New York. 'The first time I came to Bucharest, I thought I would die after three days. I somehow

A Puzzled City

Bucharest is a city that is difficult to describe, and difficult is a term that tends to suggest the word impossible. Many of us have probably at least once in our lifetime been in the situation of talking about the city that we live in. And, just as probable, among the

Suspicious Fires

The house at 8, Visarion St. In recent years, many owners of monument mansions have deliberately left them to decay, or have set fire to them in order to be able to demolish them – Assan’s mill devastated by suspicious fire.  Culture Minister Adrian Iorgulescu has

In A City Which Used To Be European

Well, then, Dilema Veche intends to host a series of comments on the state of the city in which we live, to which some of us are bound, by birth, others by a life experience that is getting longer and longer, and which we want to defend against the aggressive attempts to