

The Romanian, in general, although he has a sense of humor, is serious and pondering. He dislikes banter. This explains why Caragiale's works, to many people's amazement, are not relished enough across the nation. […] The Romanian is constructive, steadfast,


…The niggler is a staunch patriot, an exclusive nationalist, a Romanian to the marrow! Everyone must know it! Whether his party is in office or, when unfortunately this is not possible, in opposition, the niggler congratulates Rrromania in the first case, bewails it in

An Innocent Abroad

When Mark Twain published the elaborate account of his Old World tour, The Innocents Abroad, America was still young, as a nation, and not yet proud of its culture. To avoid any tasteless outcry of admiration, driven by the contact with the vestiges of lost civilizations

The Sadness In The Eyes Of The Immigrant

The Romanians from Down Under To my Victoria from the South Pacific IslandsKo te mana o tenei matenga whetu aianeE poturi i ro o te rangi e piki mai* In Aotearoa (New Zealand), I met happy Romanians. Their happiness was either blended with sadness, or boosted up by it.


It will take us a lot of tenacity to modify wrong geographic notions, fanciful historical data, to prove to the Westerner that what we suffer from is too much instruction, that the Romanian intellectual is blasé and smiles condescendingly at the unintuitive foreign lecturer's

Romanian Profile

*excerpts THE SOPHISTICATED PEASANTS The Romanians are a social phenomenon. As a nation among nations, they are westerners evolved in the East. They are Latins surrounded by Slavs. They are Romans two thousand years away from Rome. They are contemporaries re-produced on

The Romanian Dimension Of Existence

excerpts Chapter IIIThe Nature of the Being  (…) Anybody who knows this nation will agree that the Romanian is a born opponent. Whatever is proposed to him, his first reaction, the first temptation of his thought is to oppose it. But, strangely, his opposition does not


Starting from the fact that the Romanian intellectual – as any other – speaks a foreign language, and is delighted to give information to traveling strangers, some foreigners jumped to the conclusion that Romanians do not prefer their language, a ridiculous and wholly

The Psychology Of The Individual

excerpt It is said about Maiorescu that he did not really think Romanian scientific and philosophic creation possible, reckoning that the nervous cell is not strong enough. We do not know whether this statement is true or merely fabrication. The fact remains that it is

The Psychology Of The Romanian People

Chapter XII. The Current [1907] Psychological Traits of the Romanian PeopleAll foreigners that visited the Romanian countries were unpleasantly struck by the negative traits of our character. They don't care, says Mr. X. Marmier, for the name of their master. What they


historian In truth, Romanian society has a strong left-wing bent. A complete turnaround compared with the situation extant before communism. At that time, Romania inclined to the right, because it was a country of landowners, big and small (in particular peasants). Communism

To Vote Or Not To Vote

Discussing the character of a nation is as complicated as describing a species of insects from prehistoric times. How can one enumerate its features? How can one analyze its morphology? How can one categorize its behavior? Any large-scale analysis will in fact reduce the