The Forgotten Mosilor (May Fair) Street
Mosilor Street, the modern thoroughfare of a Bucharest that struggles so hard to appear occidentalized and yet doesn't quite manage to: something Balkan, Levantine lingers in the atmosphere of the streets, in spite of the concrete ten-floor blocks, of the road with
The Confessions Of A Clown
Here's the story Coco the clown told me one evening: I've never known my father. Neither have I asked who he was. Mother was a Galician Jewess who toured the big cities with a circus. She was known as the Spanish beauty. An acrobat she was, and used to ride a lovely
The Albanian Bucharest: From Merchant Elites To Cultural Elites
excerpts The gradual development of a cultural Moldo-Walachian elite of Albanian origin, that was able to manifest an awareness of the cultural identity of its origins through certain activities in this respect, an elite devoted to the idea of a modern and independent Albania,
L’expérience Microphysique Et La Pensée Humaine
CONSIDERATIONS PRELIMINAIRES DU PHENOMENE DE LA CONNAISSANCE ET DE SA PSYCHOLOGIE LOGIQUE L'enthousiasme des nouvelles conquêtes, plutôt des nouvelles aventures de l'avant-garde scientifiques, incite – ce qui est le propre de toute jeunesse – à un certain
Unitas In Pluralitate, Ou L'Europe En Son Entier
L'Europe, mais c'est une chose terrible et sainte, l'Europe. Dostoïevski (Journal d'un écrivain) Tout aussi bien, j'aurais pu dire: l'Europe, ou le refus des alternatives mutilantes. Car, depuis bientôt trois millénaires et demi – si
La Société Des Nations Et Les Minorités
Parmi les sujets que notre Académie a mis a l'étude, la Société des Nations, comme de droit, occupe une place d'honneur. Peut-on, sans trop d'inconvénients, aborder une question d'actualité dont la discussion n'est pas close à Genève? Je
Le Monde Homérique
ESSAI DE PROTOPHILOSOPHIE GRECQUELibrairie Philosophique, J. Vrin, Paris, 1934 INTRODUCTION Le plus ancien monument de la langue grecque qui soit conservé est celui des poèmes homériques. Ces poèmes sont peut-être aussi le produit le plus représentatif du génie
Historical Ideas And Forms, 1919
Four Inaugural Lecturesexcerpts TWI ENI KAI PANTI 1. Our Life's DutyLecture to open the courses on Ancient History and The History of the Arts, held in the winter semester of MCMXIX-MCMXX at the University of Cluj, read on II November MCMXIX From one day to the next,
The Romanian Dimension Of Existence, 1943
excerpts ΙΙThe Being of Being Quantitatively, existence can be conceived of from the point of view of unity or of multiplicity, from the point of view of the whole and from the point of view of the parts. From the first point of view, what we will discover is the nature[1],
The Philosophy Of Energetic Personalism, 1927
excerpts The surface of the earth allows such an interesting insight into the interdependency of labor and personality. If one picked some recently published book on the topic of scientific geography, Karl Sapper's[1], say, and took a look at the areas where different
The Nationalist Doctrine, 1922
excerpts In 1840, and to a much greater extent with the modernization of the country, constitutionally speaking, and after the [1859] unification [of Moldavia and Wallachia], we had a state founded by our educated class, mainly the young boyars, following the advice and
Neoliberalism, 1927
excerpts Plutocracy What is the regime of the new men? Since the dawn of societal development, the axis of social life has always revolved between the following two extremes: the agrarian regime, based on the domination of the land, and the capitalist regime, based on