
Wisdom's Tell-Tale

One fair day the sultan walked about his cityPlain in dress, together with his high vizier. On the spot he noticed lying in the gutterA dime which he, stooping, picked up in great haste. The vizier, who witnessed this parsimonyMade so bold in asking of his majesty:'Please

Quotes On And From Brâncuşi

Simplicity is not an end in art, but one arrives at simplicity in spite of oneself, in approaching the real sense of things. Simplicity is at bottom complexity and one must be nourished on its essence to understand its significance. Catalog of Brâncuşi exhibition, Brummer

The French Literary View On Enescu's Sense Of Yearning

It has been said – for good reason – that the Romanian word dor [aprox. yearning] is untranslatable, which made all foreign lexicographers leave it in its original form in most literary texts. But in music there is also a dor enescian [Enescian yearning], which someone

Constantin Brâncuşi: The Temple Of Liberation And The Hieratic Emblem Of The Chimera

The Chimera, a sculpture carved in oak wood between 1915 and 1917-18, currently exhibited at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, has so far attracted but limited exegesis. Petru Comarnescu, in a conference held in Craiova in 1957, made reference to the body streamlined as to

The Brâncuşian Synthesis

You have turned the antic into the modern, Rousseau le Douannier once told Brâncuşi. Those words complete very accurately the characterization suggested by Dan Hāulicā: He produced the century's purest classicism out of the exotic. [1] The Romanian sculptor

Museums: What They Are And What They Must Be. The Example Of America

We think too often that a museum is a repository where you discard all sorts of objects. Arts, history, natural sciences, technology, curiosities. You place exhibits from all these domains into bright and spacious halls; you range them nicely one next to the other and sometimes

Our Defense Abroad

Let us not be deceived by articles and books issued by courtesy or for which we pay, and this so seldom. We are not loved abroad. Even if people remember the fine welcome we give people – which is so comprehensive according to the customs, and at times even sufficiently

Quotes On Caragiale

The Romanians – at least the townspeople – have a southern nature. Southern liveliness is an energetic reactive that generates buffoonery in truly emphatic forms. Stupidity and vanity, which are latent in a phlegmatic and quiet northern human mass of people, erupt brightly


A few years ago, among the most brilliant students of our University was a young man named Coriolan Drăgănescu. He was the possessor of a brisk intelligence, a character of bronze, and the temperament of a hero; besides, nature had endowed him with an oratory talent impossible

A Speech

It's all set! On Saturday I am to deliver a speech in the plenary meeting of the SPDRM. There's no way out: I did, in a moment of utter weakness, promise an old friend of mine, Mrs. Parigoridi – so it is now for me a matter of conscience, of honour, of heart

The Woman Painter Of Modern Life

Women artists (originally women-painters) became a reality in Romanian culture only by the turn of the 20th century. Barely having an artistic tradition of the western kind (that is, academic), the national cultural milieu in the 19th century was rather deprived of a professionally


A certain thing a scaly glove a misshapen dangerattracts the compromised words the mist in the world's dictionarieson a mountain of masks the sun struggles to riseits beams are lost from one another for another seasonthe mind is currying favor with all the versions