
Oana Maria Cajal – Postere pentru piese nescrise/ Posters for unwritten plays/ Affiches pour des pieces à écrire

Texte: Andrei Șerban, Doina Uricariu, Oana Cajal Ediție în română, engleză, franceză Cartea publicată de Editura ICR a fost distribuită în SUA pe durata expoziției „Posters for unwritten plays a artistei Oana Maria Cajal, găzduită de La MaMa Galleria în

The Eroticized Universe

The Bucharest Surrealist Group1939-1947* […] Madness, black humor, dreams, eroticism, revolt: if one cannot speak of Unu (One) and Alge (Algae) as surrealist magazines in the strict sense, these themes indicate however the increasing attraction of a number of Romanian

Sarah Bild And The Contemp Ensemble

A good Romanian-Canadian meeting took place recently through the collaboration of the dancers from the Contemp ensemble with the Canadian choreographer Sarah Bild, who graduated in 1988 from the Montreal Modern Dance Workshops, and the creator of some performances presented

Far West

excerptsJust like the other colonial cities, Kingstown has three parts: one is commercial, another contains filthy dwellings of the indigenous population, and, finally, another has gorgeous villas, with tropical gardens of an uncontrolled vegetative burst, full of huge flowers

Cheese Country

SeptemberexcerptsIlie only looked me up in early September, a few weeks before the harvesting of the vineyards. He had come back alone, by train. He had told some lie to his wife and run over to see me. He was coming towards me with an enamored look in his eyes, ready to

Viva La Revolucion!

Bertrand had descended on our little town as if from a film: long-haired, with a beard that was still fluffy but nevertheless impressive in comparison with our teenage fuzz, and dressed in a T-shirt with Che Guevara on it. Besides, he was smoking Gauloises and was an anarchist.

The Violin Player Ion Voicu

It is hard to say when the Gypsies came to Romania for the first time, and then settled for good, but the oldest documents date from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, when the royal charters mentioned the fiddler slaves, sold alongside the dependencies and objects from

Romanian Theater For Children On Tour

The echo of the rich activity of Romanian theater for children on four continents has surpassed even that of theater for adults. This was possible because, in 1965, eleven countries, including Romania, founded in Paris, ASSITEJ – the International Association of Theater