
Augustin Ioan (coordonator) - Influenţe franceze în arhitectura şi arta din România secolelor XIX şi XX - Ediţie bilingvă (română-franceză), 2006, 154 p.

Volumul reuneşte contribuţiile autorilor Ana Maria Zahariade (Influenţe franceze asupra arhitecturii din România), Bogdan Andrei Ferzi (Micul Paris, între mit şi realitate), Augustin Ioan (Bucureşti ca Paristanbul, O obsesie autohtonă: arhitectura cu specific naţional?),

Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu, Mária Pakucs Willcocks - Spectacolul public între tradiţie şi modernitate, 2007, 302 p.

Studiile din acest volum încearcă să identifice punerea în scenă a diferitelor evenimente ordinare şi extraordinare din viaţa cotidiană, acordând termenului de spectacol public o definiţie destul de largă: tot ceea ce la un moment dat reuneşte un public fie ca

Alexandrina Cernov, Ilie Luceac - Cernăuţi / Chernovtsy 1408-2008 (album), 2008, 158 p.

Fotografii: Mihail Cratofil Traducere în limba engleză: Samuel Onn Traducere în limba ucraineană: Alexandrina Cernov, Ilie Luceac Traducere în limba germană: Mariana Koch Albumul conţine o scurtă introducere în care este prezentată istoria de şase sute de ani

Viorica Ghiţă, Iulian Ghiţă (coordonatori) - Ion Popescu-Negreni (album), 2007, 208 p.

Absolvent al Academiei de Arte Frumoase din Bucureşti în anul 1931, la secţia de pictură, avându-i ca profesori pe Camil Ressu şi Constantin Artachino, Ion Popescu-Negreni aparţine Paradisului Pierdut al Picturii (formulă folosită de Andrei Pleşu cu referire la

The Night When I Really Liked The People’s House

Curator: Marilena Oprescu, Artmix Cultural Association Photo: Mircea Maieru In the early 1990s, everyone thought that we could get rid of the People's House. But some proposals, like to demolish it partially or completely, to bury it under a hill, etc. , seemed utopian

Festival Of Urban Art Architectural Projections

Press ReleaseSeptember 16, 2008 The Artmix Cultural Association (www. artmix. ro) announces the launch of the second Festival of Urban Art Architectural Projections, which will be held in the night of September 20, 2008 as of 10 PM in Constitution Square and University

Night Lights Light Nights Of Bucharest

Sometimes glowing colorfully in the dusk air, as doors of museums open up for late visitors, or, some other times, its dark sky flushed by lasers for white nights of entertainment, Bucharest often begins to live and breathe anew after sundown.  White NightsNow that the

The Town Within The Town

Government Palace in Victoriei Sq. a fragment from the novel Derapaj (Skid), Iaşi, Polirom 2006 Maria’s life glowed with a murky sort of splendor, her past, though committed to oblivion, constantly closing in on her and obscuring her thoughts like the spots of a solar

The City Is Beautiful When Asleep

An interview with Dumitru Gorzo by Andreea Ciupercă Dumitru Gorzo from Maramuresh made friends with the Capital that gave him everything, and now he's heading for New York. 'The first time I came to Bucharest, I thought I would die after three days. I somehow

The City's Ugliest Square

Clockwise from top left: Revolution Square, Maniu statue, Coposu bust, Hilton Athenee Palace, Kretzulescu Church, University Library, Ataturk bust, Carol I equestrian statue. Post-revolutionary administrators of the capital city have managed to turn the birth place of the

Urban Memory: Museums Of The Romanian Capital

1st row: National History Museum, Old Court Museum, Archeology Museum (detail), National Museum of Art2nd row: Collections Museum, Zambaccian Museum, Theodor Aman Museum, Gh. Tattarescu Museum 3rd row: Storck Museum, Romanian Peasant Museum, Astronomical Observatory (detail),