
Nr. 82 - vara 2012

Sumar Lettre Internationale nr. 82 RetrospectiveNicolae Manolescu – Caracatița cenzurii Adrian Mihalache – Troilus și Cresida – 1965. Deruta lui Wilhelm Meister Ion Vianu – Paul, Sașa Bogdan Murgescu – Declarația din aprilie 1964, după (aproape) 50 de ani

Ismail And Turnavitu

excerpt Ismail is made up of eyes, whiskers and an evening gown and nowadays he is in very short supply in the market. Formerly, he used to grow in the Botanical Garden too, and later on, thanks to the progress of modern science, one has managed to produce one chemically,

Urmuz, The Solitary

excerptsLet us begin with on obvious fact – Urmuz is a myth, is he not? Useless like all myths, functioning due to inertia, the coronation of certain clichés. Who reads Urmuz these days? Urmuz was the object of critical studies, his work has been translated, and his name

Journey Around The Earth

You do not need a passport to travel to Egypt or to any other English colony. A visit card will do. In Alexandria, I made friends with the tropical flora: date trees that bear almost 100 kg of fruit each year, bananas or the cursed fruits because they grow without any effort

A History Of The Albanian Community In Romania And Its Organization ALAR

President of ALAR Documents speak of an Albanian presence on Romanian land no earlier than 1595, when a report sent to the imperial Councillor Pezzen, by his agent Giovanni de Marini Poli on 14/24 March, highlights the arrival in Cervenavoda of 15,000 Albanians and their

Anchors Away!

Radu TUDORAN's (penname of Nicolae Bogza) Anchors Away!, a very successful novel, later made into a film (aka Full Sail, 1976, directed by Mircea Mureşan - click to see trailer here), competing in nautical erudition, plot and length with Jules Verne's The Children

Ivan Patzaichin - The Most Well-Known Lipovan Russian In The World

Between 1968-1984 Ivan Patzaichin (b. 1949), won seven Olympic medals (four gold and three silver) and eight world championships in canoeing. A golden Lipovan who has never denied his identity of a Starover (i. e. Old Believer) Russian from the Delta. He is modest, honest,

The Danube Delta - Places, People, Customs

Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea Ethnographical research in relation to this habitat allows us to distinguish between the various particular aspects regarding lifestyle and traditional culture, which prove the importance of the human factor in defining the features

The Book Of The Danube

excerpt Further down from Isaccea, at Ceatal, the Delta begins, as the Danube splits into the Chilia Arm, which flows along the Bessarabian bank. Downstream, after Tulcea, there is another Ceatal, whence the Danube splits in two: the Sulina Arm and the St George Arm. Let

Delta And Anti-Delta

The Danube flows in accordance with all theories and definitions. After crossing Europe, it flows into the Black Sea, forming a delta which conforms entirely to the general definition of a delta. Over the centuries, the Danube had many other names: Danubius, Istrus, Histru,