Bogdan Iorga – Valahii din oastea lui Napoleon • Les Valaques de l'armée de Napoléon: Reenactment

Albumul bilingv (în limbile română și franceză) prezintă fotografii realizate de artistul Bogdan Iorga la reconstituirile istorico-militare ale unor bătălii faimoase din cursul Războaielor napoleoniene. Autorul a inclus în lucrare, alături de imagini, o serie

Canutza Wronghead

Once there was a man who whilst in the world could not be in tune with it – a twisted fellow. His mother fancied she would deliver him precisely at Lenten Shrovetide, when a terrible sleet had struck. That year Easter was due in the dead of winter. His father took his

The Wild Wine Gallery

excerpt Bunthe had thought it appropriate to put up their two unexpected guests from Bucharest with Father Calist. The villagers were saying they had got lucky. The weather was beautiful, spring was coming. The sun shone as if it was already April. The wildflowers that