
16 Oct 2008 - 16 Oct 2008

Spaţii şi lumi în Evul Mediu. Premise culturale ale Europei comune

Vineri, 17 şi sâmbătă, 18 octombrie 2008, în cadrul Colocviului internaţional „Spaţii şi lumi în Evul Mediu. Premise culturale ale Europei comune, organizat de Centrul de Studii Medievale din Universitatea Bucureşti, în parteneriat cu Colegiul Noua Europă şi

18 Sep 2007

Dezbatere despre friulanii din România la IRCCU Veneţia

Institutul Român de Cultură şi Cercetare Umanistică de la Veneţia organizează luni, 24 septembrie, o dezbatere pe marginea cărţii L'emigrazione storica dei Friulani in Romania (Emigraţia istorică a friulanilor în România), semnată de prof. Nicolae Luca,

Butterfly Collections From Transylvania

 see also Gallery The Lepidoptera Collection from Transylvania and the Dr. Daniel Czekelius Palearctic Lepidoptera Collection The collections contain macro- and microlepidoptera from Transylvania numbering 7,162 specimens, as well as a number of 6,929 palearctic species.

Restrictions In The Retezat National Park

Rhododendron on Bucura lakeshore by Cristina LazaroniRestrictions have their place in a national parkMany people know why there are restrictions in a national park and agree with them. I have received various questions from tourists wanting to know why, in the Retezat National

Xylobiont Coleopterans

Can forests of the Carpathians be a reference point for the virgin forests of the Central Europe? The proof for this is represented by xylobiont Coleopterans Over recent years many German experts specialising in forestry have visited forests in Romania and Ukraine. On these

The Diversity Of Fauna In The Vadu Area

 Greek tortoise in Dobruja (Testudo graeca ibera) (CONSTANTA COUNTY), PART OF THE DANUBE DELTA BIOSPHERE RESERVE The many and diverse species of animals and plants seen in the Danube Delta, many of which have a high scientific, ecological and esthetical value; the patchwork

Rare, Vulnerable, Endangered Birds In Romania

excerptsThis work puts forth essential data on a number of 101 bird species in the Romanian fauna, which are rare, vulnerable and endangered. Emphasis is laid on the hatching populations, on recent and current tendencies, on factors imposing limitations on the existence

Traditional Animal Ecology

see Gallery In the case of primitive or rural cultures, one can undoubtedly speak of elements of ecology well before the term itself was ever used. This is even more natural when considering that the life of traditional communities maintained an organic relationship with

Chamois: Black Beauties On Mountain Tops

People feel that encountering a Chamois on the highest peaks of the Carpathian Mountains is something very special indeed, an opportunity to be proud of. The Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)1 is certainly an exceptional creature in our fauna. They only roam the limited space

On People And Horses

see photos an interview with Marian Chiseliţe, photojournalist Marian Chiseliţe, 31, has a degree in law but he never went into practice, although he very much wanted to. He had all sorts of jobs, even working as a “transport coordinator dispatcher” for a truck company,

The Book Of The Millionaire: I. The Book Of Metopolis

(from: Chapter 5 - The Map of Metopolis Scaled 1:1; Chapter 4 - The Rail Car of the Millionaire, and from At the Armenian's Tavern and Once Again at the Armenian's Tavern - Chapters 3 and 6) If you are far, far away from the city and take a completely different

The Impossible Oasis

The wire that I had failed to see hit me below my knees. The earth turned, the boles propped against the stars somersaulted and I no longer heard the whistles. The red bells started to toll. Whipped up by the rain, the smell of weed and death that had simply been the breath