
16 Nov 2012

A apărut nr. 83 al revistei Lettre Internationale

Lettre Internationale – toamna 2012, noul număr al prestigoasei reviste editate de Institutul Cultural Român împletește, în nota obișnuită a publicației, viziunea de ansamblu cu analiza atentă la detalii și nuanțe. De la criza rachetelor, din urmă cu o jumătate

16 Apr 2012 - 18 Apr 2012

România la Târgul Internațional de Carte de la Londra – London Book Fair 2012

România va fi prezentă la ediția din acest an a Târgului Internațional de Carte de la Londra, în perioada 16-18 aprilie 2012, cu un stand național organizat, pentru al cincilea an consecutiv, de Institutul Cultural Român prin Centrul Național al Cărții. La stand

13 Nov 2007

Vernisajul expoziţiei "Footsteps from Valahia" în Germania

Vernisajul expoziţiei FOOTSTEPS FROM VALAHIA a artistului-sticlar MIHAI ŢOPESCU, sculpturi de mari dimensiuni şi obiecte decorative din sticlă Vernisaj: 15. 11. 2007, ora 16. 00, la Tribunalul Suprem al Landului Nordrhein-Westfalen din oraşul german Hamm. Vernisajul

Nr. 83 - toamna 2012

Sumar nr. 83 RetrospectiveMircea Malița: Criza rachetelorHerta Spuhn: Încrâncenare, sarcasm, speranțăGeo Șerban: Balcic - temă cu variațiuni*** Balcic - provocările priviriiDIALOG Lidia Vianu - C. G. Săndulescu: „11 - 33Dincolo de evenimentDIALOG Almantas Samalavicius

The Death of Castor

A few years ago, on a day in September, I had been walking alone and aimlessly through the streets, seized by an unutterable wanderlust triggered by the infinite blue of the sky and the dizzying charm of autumn when, all of a sudden, at a crossroads, I came up against the

Mihai Băcescu And Jacques Yves Cousteau

Acipenser guldenstaedti The Sturgeon Collection of the Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History I had the chance to work in the institution managed by the academician Mihai Băcescu for a quarter of a century and to know well its programmes concerning the development

A Canine Epiphany

Mister Kă is closely watching a pair of young-people-not-actually-young-seen-from-up-close, that pair of young-people-in-the-distance-who-look-different-from-up-close, that pair is getting on bus #92, the bus which is taking you, taking everybody, in the direction of the

The Hunting Museum In Posada: A Sanctuary Of Trophies

see photos I do not believe that anyone could have found a better place, a better lodge for a hunting museum than the one in Posada. Visitors feel this is a wonderful sanctuary of hunting trophies, which, in all likelihood, makes even the most exigent critic happy. In the

The Night When I Really Liked The People’s House

Curator: Marilena Oprescu, Artmix Cultural Association Photo: Mircea Maieru In the early 1990s, everyone thought that we could get rid of the People's House. But some proposals, like to demolish it partially or completely, to bury it under a hill, etc. , seemed utopian

Friends with Children

Geology Museum, Kiseleff Park, Cismigiu Gardens. Since the park is always a handy alternative, but the least spectacular one, we suggest a visit to the Antipa museum, an eternal museum. We know that you notice at once those details that spoil all the charm, such as the

Miniatures From Bucharest

Statuary art gallery in open airIn Bucharest, there are lots of boulevards, streets, buildings that have become so familiar to us that we almost no longer see their beauty, originality, uniqueness. . . It is like being in the middle of an enchanting park that you admire,

On Urban Utopias

see photos see movie On one of those buses there were comfortable sofas and a piano with a pianist playing Bizet or Vivaldi. On another such bus – trees, grass, a four-handed witch, and Little Red Riding Hood, while on the third bus, people were welcomed by a magician,