
15 Nov 2014 - 16 Nov 2014

Spectacolul „Folia, Shakespeare & Co“ de Gigi Căciuleanu, prezentat la Lisabona

Cel mai recent spectacol de teatru coregrafic semnat de Gigi Căciuleanu - Folia, Shakespeare & Co - va fi prezentat la Teatrul Naţional Dona Maria II (sala Garrett) din capitala Portugaliei în zilele de 15 noiembrie 2014, de la ora 21. 00, şi 16 noiembrie 2014, de

26 Jun 2009

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale 2009

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale ajunge în 2009, mai precis pe 26 iunie, la cea de a treia ediţie şi numără mai mulţi co-organizatori, mai multe evenimente şi câteva surprize formidabile. Institutul Francez, Institutul Polonez, Centrul Ceh, British Council, Centrul

26 May 2008 - 26 May 2008

Eveniment Plural dedicat Deltei Dunării

Joi, 29 mai 2008, la ora 17. 00, la Muzeul de Istorie Naturală „Grigore Antipa din Bucureşti va fi lansat numărul 1/2008 al revistei PLURAL – număr care are ca temă Delta Dunării – şi va fi vernisată expoziţia „Biodiversitatea Deltei Dunării. Lansarea,

From The Mountains To The Sea

During autumn and winter, migrating peregrines come to our country from the north, looking for prey in the fields as well. However, the ones who nest here can also be seen in the mountains during the warm season. Another bigger bird of prey, which also lives in rocky regions,

La Locura

Como a menudo suele pasar con las obras geniales que van revistiendo sombras y penumbras para luego por su interpretación acabar por adquirir dimensiones colosales y planos infinitos, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha[1],por Cervantes, es objeto de numerosos

The Book Of The Millionaire: I. The Book Of Metopolis

(from: Chapter 5 - The Map of Metopolis Scaled 1:1; Chapter 4 - The Rail Car of the Millionaire, and from At the Armenian's Tavern and Once Again at the Armenian's Tavern - Chapters 3 and 6) If you are far, far away from the city and take a completely different


Ceci est un fait-divers atroce. Les Mémoires du Bal-Mabille There are dreams we seem to have lived sometime long ago, somewhere, as well as things we lived about which we ask whether they were not a dream. That's what I was thinking of yesterday evening when, rummaging

What We See

excerpts …Once, when his wife's condition showed signs of deterioration, Marcu entered the Sfînta Vineri church, on his way home from the shops he had called at to collect his rents. He prayed a long time and fervently, though he could hardly concentrate, choking

Christine Bastin - Interview, 1991

A complex cultural program begins this month in Bucharest: La danse en voyage, organized by France for Romania. Six contemporary dance companies from France will come monthly to Bucharest, Iaşi, Timişoara, Cluj and Constanţa. Mrs. Christine Bastin, you are the first choreographer

In Gibraltar. From A Captain's Log

excerptAbout the Earth's Crust A loud knock on the door of the cabin disturbs my sweet morning sleep. Gibrelterra!… Gibrelterra!… I rub my eyes sleepily and, without understanding anything, I ask stroppily: what is it? what's happened?Gibrelterra!…We can

I Have Been To New China

excerptsAlthough if you observe it partially and with amusement the Chinese landscape may look like any other landscape, the fundamental impression is of being on another planet. The soil suggests here that the matter froze quickly while boiling and it stood still in dramatic


On this clear morning destined for the departure for Delphi I am unconsoled at having to leave Athens, where everything measures up to the artistic emotion. The distance between Athens and Delphi, on a well-kept road, is 243 kilometres. The itinerary includes a halt, around