

Turneu internaţional de promovare a Festivalului Enescu, organizat de ICR - AGERPRES 31 ianuarie 2011 Institutul Cultural Român va organiza un amplu turneu internaţional dedicat promovării Festivalului Internaţional George Enescu şi creaţiei compozitorului român,

TIMOC. Lumea de dincolo, 2010, 144p.

Fotografii şi concepţie grafică: Marius Olteanu Ediţie trilingvă (română-engleză-sârbă) Traducere în limba engleză: Ana Bulata Traducere în limba sârbă: Snejana Lapadatovic Fotografiile expuse sunt rezultate ale proiectului Mediateca românilor din Timoc,


INTERSECŢII. Înainte de sărbătorile de iarnă - OBSERVATOR CULTURAL Autor Michael FINKENTHAL Nr. 556-557, 23 decembrie 2010 Sînt în Haifa şi profit de ocazie pentru a da o fugă pînă la Ein Hod, satul pictorilor întemeiat după 1948 de Marcel Iancu, pentru a

The Ornamentation Of Horezu Ceramics

The ornamentation of Horezu ceramics The main characteristics of the geometric ornamentation of Horezu are the use of simple elements and preference for curved lines. The geometric elements used as decorative motifs are: dots, lines, circles, spirals, zig-zag, semicircles


Jurnalul Naţional, 24 noiembrie 2009 Autor: Costin Anghel Cântecul românesc s-a făcut auzit serile trecute în inima Timocului sârbesc, la Bor. România a trimis la fraţii ei mai mici pe unul dintre cei mai de seamă interpreţi ai ţării, pe maestrul Tudor Gheorghe.

Traditional Animal Ecology

see Gallery In the case of primitive or rural cultures, one can undoubtedly speak of elements of ecology well before the term itself was ever used. This is even more natural when considering that the life of traditional communities maintained an organic relationship with

Festivalul Internaţional Zile şi nopţi de literatură - "Literatură, înainte de toate", ediţia a VIII-a, 2009, 464 p.

Volumul cuprinde texte de Adrian Alui Gheorghe, Naim Araidi, Florin Bican, Andrei Bodiu, Leo Butnaru, Gabriel Chifu, Denisa Comănescu, Traian T. Coşovei, Ioana Crăciunescu, Dan Cristea, Mariana Dan, Nichita Danilov, A. Debeljak, Gabriel Dimisianu, Myriam Diocaretz, Gellu

The Night When I Really Liked The People’s House

Curator: Marilena Oprescu, Artmix Cultural Association Photo: Mircea Maieru In the early 1990s, everyone thought that we could get rid of the People's House. But some proposals, like to demolish it partially or completely, to bury it under a hill, etc. , seemed utopian

On Urban Utopias

see photos see movie On one of those buses there were comfortable sofas and a piano with a pianist playing Bizet or Vivaldi. On another such bus – trees, grass, a four-handed witch, and Little Red Riding Hood, while on the third bus, people were welcomed by a magician,

Festival Of Urban Art Architectural Projections

Press ReleaseSeptember 16, 2008 The Artmix Cultural Association (www. artmix. ro) announces the launch of the second Festival of Urban Art Architectural Projections, which will be held in the night of September 20, 2008 as of 10 PM in Constitution Square and University

Bucharest Days, A Popular Celebration

The inhabitants of Bucharest came out of their homes in great numbers last weekend to celebrate their city, on the anniversary of 549 years since its first being mentioned in a document. Over one hundred events, taking place in 30 locations, brought entertainment for every

Night Lights Light Nights Of Bucharest

Sometimes glowing colorfully in the dusk air, as doors of museums open up for late visitors, or, some other times, its dark sky flushed by lasers for white nights of entertainment, Bucharest often begins to live and breathe anew after sundown.  White NightsNow that the