1 Aug 2014 - 10 Aug 2014

Școală de Vară cu tema „Istorie și Cinema în Basarabia“ în cadrul Festivalului de Film Istoric de la Râşnov

Institutul Cultural Român, prin Direcţia Români din Afara Granițelor și Limba Română, va organiza, în calitate de partener, şcoala de vară din cadrul celei de-a șasea ediţii a Festivalului de Film Istoric de la Râşnov, desfășurat în perioada 1-10 august

12 Jun 2014 - 17 Jun 2014

Trei artiști lirici români la Festivalul Operei Israeliene de la Masada

Grație colaborării dintre Opera Națională Israeliană din Tel Aviv și Institutul Cultural Român, trei interpreți lirici români dețin roluri principale în opera Traviata de Giuseppe Verdi, prezentată în cadrul Festivalului Operei Israeliene de la Masada, Israel,

30 Nov 2012 - 4 Dec 2012

„Democrația ca formă de viață" - conferință susținută de președintele Institutului Cultural Român la Londra cu ocazia Zilei Naționale a României

Preşedintele Institutului Cultural Român, domnul Andrei Marga, se va afla în vizită la Londra şi Cardiff în perioada 30 noiembrie – 4 decembrie 2012, cu prilejul unei serii de evenimente dedicate Zilei Naţionale a României şi al unor întâlniri cu oficialităţi

18 Jun 2012 - 11 Jul 2012

Reacții la decizia de subordonare a ICR Senatului României

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,To Whom it May Concern, I am writing you from the Ph. D. granting institution of the City University in New York, the Graduate Center CUNY with real concern. I have collaborated for many years with the Romanian Cultural Institute, presenting playwrights,

24 Jun 2011

Peste 50 de evenimente la Noaptea Institutelor Culturale 2011

A cincea ediţie a Nopţii Institutelor Culturale are loc vineri, 24 iunie 2011, în Capitală. Un proiect derulat de clusterul EUNIC din România, Noaptea Institutelor Culturale cuprinde evenimente propuse de British Council, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Cultural al Republicii

Surrogate Animals

When I was little, during Ceausescu's time, I was lucky to have a godmother in Germany whose mother, Oca, not only was an ideal nanny but she also used to send me wonderful things, which went far beyond a socialist child's imagination. That is how, for my sixth

Monkeys Without Rights

The article of Peter Singer about monkey rights and human rights published in the 232nd issue of Dilema veche praises the recent approval by the Commission for the Environment, Agriculture and Fishing of the Spanish Parliament concerning the Great Project regarding monkeys.

A Century Of Our Past And Our European Identity Are Being Destroyed

Armenian Church; St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cathedral; Stirbey house on Calea Victoriei excerpts from the debate organized by Ileana Foundation for Contemporary Fine Arts and Modern Architecture in Romania, hosted at UNA Gallery on May 12th 2008 Nowadays, the oldest

The Difficult Beginnings Of A Superstar

An ancient symbol of war, because of its reddish color, Mars started with a low profile in the gallery of inhabited worlds. Up till the 19th century, it could bear no comparison with the Moon. In his Itinerarium exstaticum (1656), Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) proposed

A History Of The Imaginary. The Truth Of The Myths

CHAPTER I Structures and Methods An Ambiguous Condition What if the history of the imaginary did not exist? Beyond all paradox, the question deserves to be raised. Following a hectic and contorted history, this discipline is hindered by theoretical and ideological difficulties.

The Eroticized Universe

The Bucharest Surrealist Group1939-1947* […] Madness, black humor, dreams, eroticism, revolt: if one cannot speak of Unu (One) and Alge (Algae) as surrealist magazines in the strict sense, these themes indicate however the increasing attraction of a number of Romanian

For Writers Are All Jesters, And All The Jests Together: Literature

For writers are all jesters, and all the jests together: Literature  In the history of literature, Tristan Tzara is regarded as the founder of Dada, an international literary and artistic movement, born in Zurich in 1916, with ramifications and outposts across three continents.