30 Jan 2018 - 5 Feb 2018

Peca Ștefan. #Noulvechiacasă

În perioada 30 ianuarie - 5 februarie 2018, cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român din Berlin, este prezentată în premieră noua creație a dramaturgului Peca Ștefan. Un mix între puzzle, joc social, expoziție, piesă de teatru audio și instalație interactivă,

1 Feb 2018

Seria „Concertelor Enescu”: „Muzica Primului Război Mondial” . Trio Dinu Lipatti

As part of our special programme of events honouring the Centenary of the establishment of Greater Romania (1918-2018), our popular Enescu Concert Series looks back, through a succession of events, to 100 years of best Romanian music. We start the festive year with compositions

11 Jan 2018

Celebrarea Zilei Culturii Naționale – lansări de carte și conferința „Eminescu în Transilvania”la sediul ICR Tel Aviv

Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv, în colaborare cu Asociația Scriitorilor Israelieni de Limbă Română, vă invită la un eveniment literar de excepție dedicat marelui poet național al României, Mihai Eminescu, sub egida Zilei Culturii Naționale. Evenimentul, în

18 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017

Eveniment literar dedicat lui Oskar Pastior, la ICR Berlin

În luna octombrie a acestui an Oskar Pastor ar fi împlinit 90 de ani. Cu această ocazie, Institutul Cultural Român din Berlin în colaborare cu salonul„Attico“ organizează un eveniment literar, care aduce un omagiu operei lui Oskar Pastior prin intermediul unor

1 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme for

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

13 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants - ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on

15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on