
Oleg Danovski: Dancing - The Art That Defies Gravity

Carmen Chihaia: Contemporary dancing seems to be winning over classical ballet. Maestro, considering your comprehensive view of the current directions, which school/tendency do you think will be able to impose itself, to bring something else that both audiences and artists

A Friend Of Romania - Interview With Maurice Béjart

In one of the marvelous spots of Switzerland I met Maurice Béjart, the choreographer that refreshed all forms of movements and made of dance the art of the 20th century. In Lausanne, Maurice Béjart continues to live creating and philosophizing for the synthetic art with

Manuel Pelmuş - Interview

Contemporary dance choreographers work on gestures. They do not necessarily have to be beautiful or interesting, but simply natural. Every single emotion expressed. The dancer always performs something, interprets something, lives that moment either through gesture, movement

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

Stravinsky Soirée

BALLET OPENING NIGHT AT THE NATIONAL ROMANIAN OPERA The two ballets staged by Alexa Mezincescu in her recent premiere on the boards of the National Romanian Opera in Bucharest, The Firebird and The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky, marked, at the moment of their creation

National Reunion On Dance Themes

Slowly but certainly, the world of the Romanian dance submits to the process of decentralization, typical to transition even if it undergoes it unconsciously. Bucharest doesn't have, anymore, the monopoly of the important events: in Constanţa there is a group of classical

The International Festival Of Choreographic Creation Iaşi 1993, 2nd Edition

Iaşi proved to be, for the second time, an excellent host for The Competition-Festival of choreographic creation with international participation, initiated last year by the ballet critic Dan Brezuleanu, the director of the Festival. The artists benefited from a modern

The Secondary Takes Precedence

I am fascinated by the theory of professor Nemoianu on the long-term influence of the literary text (secondary) on political representations and ideas (principal) in the history of the Western world, as well as by a recent study on the ethos of education as the substance

Interview With Karine Saporta - 28 January 1992

Karine Saporta is considered one of the most prestigious personalities of contemporary European dance. With higher education in philosophy and sociology in France and the USA, she has continuously developed her research in the direction of dance, from video to photography.

1996 - Two International Awards

With good reason, Ion Caramitru, the new minister of culture, said in a recent television show that, if from the political and economic viewpoints we must still make efforts to align to the European standards, from the cultural point of view we have been in the European

Marinel Ştefănescu - Interview, 2000

Marinel Ştefănescu graduated from the Choreographic School in Bucharest. He is awarded the 1st prize at the International Contest in Varna and the Special prize of the International Contest in Moscow. He becomes first dancer of the Opera House in Bucharest, being invited

The Balletto Classico Company In Bucharest

Should we try to mark on the map of Europe the places where, during the last twenty years, the first Romanian ballet masters have been shining, whose names figure in international dictionaries of dance, we would have to cover the map from Stuttgart to the Canary Islands