
Rich And Poor, 1945

excerpts I For a century, the psychology of the Romanian people has found itself in continual transformation. This has corresponded (since 1829, that is, since the treaty of Adrianopolis whereby the Romanian Principalities joined the Western capitalist complex) to a gradual,

The Significance Of Transylvania, 1944

excerpts  The significance of Transylvania during the childhood and teens of those who in 1916, at the time of the Old Kingdom, went to place our youth in the melting pot where the spirit of a whole nation was to broil in order to win its political unity is not only of


Twenty years ago, religious people had to hide their inclinations. Otherwise they would have been mercilessly mocked at, because atheism enjoyed, then, a great popularity. It was the time of endless hopes over positivism, over the omnipotence of the scientific postulates,

Orthodoxy And Romanianness, 1929

excerpts Orthodoxy is the rhythm in which the most authentic breath of complete life can be found, of life lived with the wish for the progress by which the evil that hurt it is made good, and by which it is elevated towards the perfection, which is its real normal status.

The Children's Corner

1. The Virgin Mary with the Child, Orthodox icon, 17th century 2. Constantin Brancovan and his family 3. Ştefan Luchian (1868-1916), The Washing (see also Gallery) Romanian painters met the Child long before local art itself was born, in the modern sense of the word (the


click here (then click Haplea) to see fragment from the 1928 movie Gobbles is a black boot now,On his stool he plies for fare. Everything he's tried so farEnded up in bleak despair.  As he sits twiddling his thumbs,There's his first chance to get paid:Shine 'em

The Danube Delta - What Future For Europe's Wetland Jewel?

Open any publication, booklet or website about Romania and it is almost impossible not to find any reference about the Danube Delta, the lost Paradise on Earth. The aim of this article is to provide the readers with information about the Danube Delta's natural wealth

Sulina - A European Destiny

Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea Sulina is the easternmost settlement on Romanian – and the EU – territory, with a distinct history of its own. The oldest mention of the name 'Sulina' (Selinas) is found in the work De administrando Imperio, written

Halfway Between The Equator And The North Pole

Upon entering the narrow water thread, we are being gently rocked. It is quiet. The left and right side of our water path is bordered by high reed walls. Above them lies the blue, brilliant sky. Not one whisper, nothing. Only the ripple of water, which pats the thicket,

The Tulcea Art Museum - Art Pantheon For The Romanian Artists

The so many-colored landscapes of Dobruja have always attracted artists, fascinated by the intense light, specific to this region, either because they were searching for the sunny banks of the Danube river or the shores of the sea or because the Oriental vividness of the

The Dobruja Patrimony Of The National Village Museum

Director of Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest Ethnological research of Dobruja represented an important objective for the experts at the Village Museum starting from the 1950-1960s. Dobruja proved to be one of the most fascinating regions due to the history

Achilles' Heel At The Mouths Of The Danube

If ever there was an Achilles' heel in both ancient and recent European history, then that was the Danubian delta. The inferior course of the Danube has often been both a defensive and an offensive line for all the great empires establishing their political borders