Doctor Honoris Causa

George Banu – Ușa, o geografie intimă

Coeditare cu Editura Nemira Traducere din limba franceză: Anca Măniuțiu Cartea este o explorare a galaxiei de simboluri care emanǎ dintr-un obiect aparent banal: uşa. Ilustrat cu 32 de imagini, eseul ne poartǎ prin spaţiile secrete ale teatrului şi

Mihai Băcescu And Jacques Yves Cousteau

Acipenser guldenstaedti The Sturgeon Collection of the Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History I had the chance to work in the institution managed by the academician Mihai Băcescu for a quarter of a century and to know well its programmes concerning the development

Semblanza. Alexandru Cioranescu, La Pasion Del Investigador

El azar y la necesidad lograron que don Alejandro Cioranecu, rumano universal, recalara en las costas culturales y amistosas de Canarias hace casi cincuenta años. Asilo de un exiliado, Tenerife, acogedora de lo bueno que nos llega, le abrió los brazos y los archivos. La

Cioranescu, De Vuelta A La Universidad

Filólogos e historiadores de la Universidad de La Laguna glosaron a finales de febrero la figura del profesor Alejandro Cioranescu, doctor honoris causa del centro docente, fallecido en noviembre de 1999. Unos y otros alabaron la extensa obra del escritor rumano afincado

Nicolae Iorga

When at only 19, Nicolae Iorga (1871-1940) defended his university degree examinations one of his examining professors characterized him as a true phenomenon both in point of memory and power of ratiocination. Then Iorga worked hard in Paris and in Germany, obtaining a

The Chosen Chooser

Who is this Roman Vlad who composed 'The Seagull'? a well-known director asked me, a great music fan, therefore always present at the concerts and shows of the Enescu Festival. The meaning of this question was suggested by its intonation: Who is this Roman Vlad