
A Canine Epiphany

Mister Kă is closely watching a pair of young-people-not-actually-young-seen-from-up-close, that pair of young-people-in-the-distance-who-look-different-from-up-close, that pair is getting on bus #92, the bus which is taking you, taking everybody, in the direction of the

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale 2010

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale, unul din cele mai populare evenimente culturale bucureştene, a ajuns pe 25 iunie 2010 la cea de-a patra ediţie. Din seara zilei de 25 până în dimineaţa zilei de 26 iunie, s-au desfăşurat în jur de 70 de evenimente în 11 locuri din

Bursieri "Nicolae Iorga" 2008-2010

SEVER –PETRU BOŢANNăscut în 1984. Între 2003 şi 2007 urmează cursurile Facultăţii de Istorie (specializare: Istorie-Engleză) a Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi. În 2006 este bursier Erasmus-Socrates la Universitatea „Aristotel din Tesalonic

The Night When I Really Liked The People’s House

Curator: Marilena Oprescu, Artmix Cultural Association Photo: Mircea Maieru In the early 1990s, everyone thought that we could get rid of the People's House. But some proposals, like to demolish it partially or completely, to bury it under a hill, etc. , seemed utopian

On Urban Utopias

see photos see movie On one of those buses there were comfortable sofas and a piano with a pianist playing Bizet or Vivaldi. On another such bus – trees, grass, a four-handed witch, and Little Red Riding Hood, while on the third bus, people were welcomed by a magician,

Festival Of Urban Art Architectural Projections

Press ReleaseSeptember 16, 2008 The Artmix Cultural Association (www. artmix. ro) announces the launch of the second Festival of Urban Art Architectural Projections, which will be held in the night of September 20, 2008 as of 10 PM in Constitution Square and University

Bucharest Days, A Popular Celebration

The inhabitants of Bucharest came out of their homes in great numbers last weekend to celebrate their city, on the anniversary of 549 years since its first being mentioned in a document. Over one hundred events, taking place in 30 locations, brought entertainment for every

Night Lights Light Nights Of Bucharest

Sometimes glowing colorfully in the dusk air, as doors of museums open up for late visitors, or, some other times, its dark sky flushed by lasers for white nights of entertainment, Bucharest often begins to live and breathe anew after sundown.  White NightsNow that the

Eastern Station

In those days they used to go to the Eastern Station, visiting some acquaintances: friends, as they might, after all, also have called them. Except that on this point, at least, Olga was right: they were not their friends; indeed, there was no way or time when they could

“Kaviar House”

The theme of the provincial man leaving his small town, a closed universe deprived of any kind of perspective and diving into the unknown, attracted by the Big City where he thinks he'll hit it big and get rich overnight, was and continues to be a successful recipe

That Underground Next To Us

In history, the diurnal has always been a distorted image of the nocturnal. In daylight, events are the way we want to see, feel, and understand them. The nocturnal rejects such a compromise for the tranquility of crowds. It has existed next to us since the dawn of history,

Who’s Left In Bucharest

The house painter. He has a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and his appetite for work is equal to nothing. His torn t-shirt doesn't give you any clue on the fee he will demand at the end of the day after slothfully varnishing a wall which can neither resist nor