Gae Adriana

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Nr. 72 - iarna 2009-2010

Sumar Nr. 72 Václav Havel – Surprizele istoriei Pagini autobiografice Raymond Aron – Memorii Adrian Cioroianu – 1989 al meu Juan Villoro – Berlin, o hartă ca să te rătăceşti Ion Vianu – Despre muzică şi altele Documente Mihnea Berindei – Pentru

E. Lovinescu - P.P. Carp, critic literar şi literat. T. Maiorescu şi contemporanii lui, vol. I, 2009, 346 p.

Ciclul de studii junimiste ale lui E. Lovinescu, apărut în perioada 1940-1944, cuprinde volumele: monografia T. Maiorescu (două volume, 1940), P. P. Carp, critic literar şi literat (1941), T. Maiorescu şi contemporanii lui (două volume, 1943-1944) şi T. Maiorescu

Noua poezie basarabeană, 2009, 172 p.

Antologie şi prefaţă de Dumitru Crudu Poezii de Angela Pânzaru, Iulian Fruntaşu, Ştefan Baştovoi, Mihail Vakulovski, Alexandru Vakulovski, Steliana Grama, Diana Iepure, Pavel Păduraru, Leo Hristov, Andrei Ungureanu, Ana Rapcea, Adrian Ciubotaru, Horia Hristov,


Înfiintata în anul 1992, apare trimestrial, reprezentând editia româna a cunoscutei reviste cu acelasi titlu iniţiată în 1984 la Paris şi editată în prezent la Paris, Roma, Berlin, Budapesta, Madrid, Sofia şi Copenhaga. Pastrând structura ediţiei mamă, Lettre


excerpt I blindfolded the birdsWith a veil of cloudsAnd I told them to catch meAnd the birds caught meWith a song.  . . .  Translated by Adrian Solomon by Marin Sorescu (1931-1996)

My Insects

My insects have devoured all the peopleAnd on the deserted streets of the city They are parading the spiders and the locusts Are the most constantine They've got perfect serums in wiresAnd are pricking the statue of the magical brother In their hands they carry the

I Had Entered The Forest

I had entered the forest With other forests on my shoulders My knees were shiningAnd maybe their love was everything Then I told the birds You birdsLet us play phoenixes for whomIn our grey cutaways Above us the sun shook its maneThen night fell in my mouth Translated

Eagles On Holiday

In August when the sky fills with bullsAn eagle comes down in the neighborhood And lets me know from the first phone call that he's coming to see me An admirable pyromaniac haunted by firesAnd black serenity covering his feathersHe comes upset by the foreboding of

Why Animalia

Animals have well-defined pigeonholes assigned by the traditional Romanian mindset. From wee to huge, all creatures are cast in distinct roles that any inhabitant of temperate geographical areas will recognize: hardworking as an ant (or bee), stupid as a goose, haughty as

The Fox: From Fable To Reality

see image A widely-spread carnivorous mammal, the fox has been drawn to the attention of the people ever since early Antiquity, remaining throughout the ages the most steadfast symbol of slyness, cunningness, cruelty and cynicism. Totemic animals from one region in the

The Tomis Sculpture Treasure

Tomis (the former name of the city of Constantza, Romania, situated on the shore of the Black Sea) is a 2550 year-old Greek city that has a historical past overlain with the constructions of the modern city. The name of the city comes from Constanta, an old quarter of the