Carmen Burcea - Diplomatie culturală. Prezente româneşti în Italia interbelică, 2005

Prezentul studiu (. . . ) constituie o secvenţă dintr-un proiect mai amplu şi tratează diplomatia culturala italo-româna, în cadrul careia învaţarea reciprocă a limbii constituie un capitol important. Atenţia e focalizată pe perioada interbelică care marchează

Georgiana-Margareta Scurtu - Relaţiile internaţionale în contextul celui de-al doilea război mondial, 2006, 370 p.

„Tema aleasă spre cercetare de Georgiana-Margareta Scurtu este importantă şi atrăgătoare, puţin cercetată în amănunţime, deci interesantă şi dificilă. Ea acoperă un aspect notabil al relaţiilor dintre România şi Franţa într-o perioadă bântuită de

Vasile Pârvan - Scrisori inedite/Lettere inedite, 2007, 116 p.

Ediţie şi note de Ion Bulei. Vasile Pârvan se numără printre intelectualii creatori de instituţii, iar scrisorile din acest volum, scrise în perioada directoratului său la Şcoala Română de la Roma, dovedesc ataşamentul marelui cărturar faţă de valorile

“Kaviar House”

The theme of the provincial man leaving his small town, a closed universe deprived of any kind of perspective and diving into the unknown, attracted by the Big City where he thinks he'll hit it big and get rich overnight, was and continues to be a successful recipe

Who’s Left In Bucharest

The house painter. He has a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and his appetite for work is equal to nothing. His torn t-shirt doesn't give you any clue on the fee he will demand at the end of the day after slothfully varnishing a wall which can neither resist nor

Nature And Architecture: The Parks And Gardens Of The Capital

Cismigiu gardens, Icoanei park, Kiseleff park (see also The green within in Gallery). Many of Bucharest’s gardens and parks, which no longer exist because of extensive urban reorganising, were shaped as the aristocracy tastefully redesigned the open space around their


Hoy, cuando estamos todos entrenados en un vertiginoso y perpetuo movimiento, apresurados para llegar adonde nisiquiera nosotros mismos sabemos, quedan sin embargo cosas que se apartan de este perpetuo desplazamiento en el tiempo, clavadas en lo más hondo de nuestro ser,

The New Man

An Individual without Individualism To a new society – a new man. Naturally, one would not fancy a communist world inhabited by middle-class people in disguise. That was the most delicate problem raised by transformist mythology. One could not rebuild the economy and

The Secret Of Dr. Honigberger

Einem gelang es – er hob den Schleier Goettin zu Sais. . . Novalis I One morning in the autumn of 1934, a messenger brought me a rather strange letter, adding he was waiting for an answer right then and there. The letter was from a lady, Mrs. Zerlendi, whose name I had

Brief Presentation Of The Armenian Community

Excerpts The oldest findings prove the presence of Armenians on the present territory of Romania, more precisely in Moldavia, in an inscription on a tombstone in Cetatea Alba, dated 967 AD. The Hungarian chroniclers Simon Kesay and Thuroczi recorded that, under Duke Geza

The Accident

excerptStanding in front of the Corso building on Calea Victoriei one day, he felt someone's familiar gaze follow him from across the street, as if to catch his eye. He crossed over, as though answering a call, and discovered a picture of Ann among several other portraits

Elena Văcărescu: An Unforgettable Character Of Bucharest

Special attention should be given to Elena Văcărescu, whose outstanding personality and whose life contributed greatly to the revival of the Romanian spirit, inherited from her forerunners. Until not long ago, mention was often made of the four Văcărescu poets and the