
The Research On The Danube Delta In The Program Of The Grigore Antipa National Museum Of Natural History In Bucharest

The National Museum of Natural History has its origins in the National Museum of Natural History and Antiquities, founded through Act no. 143/3rd of November 1834, signed by Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica – the first ruler of Muntenia after the modernizing Organic Regulations,

Life In The Delta

excerpt The Delta was formed as a result of the interaction between the Danube and the Black Sea under certain geographical and geological circumstances. Presently, in front of the mouth we can still watch the process of formation of new Delta parts: the sea currents and

Unraveling The Delta's Treasure

excerpts Whether you travel through the Delta on water, or view it from the air (from a helicopter or a plane), the reed is the dominant element of the landscape. It occupies a foremost position in the Delta's treasure, and constitutes an immense source of richness.

The Danube Delta In The Modern Age

The desire to possess the navigable channel and to exploit the richness of the Danube Valley has generated many military conflicts and diplomatic disputes, which have permanently marked the history of the people settled on its banks. During the first half of the 19th century,

Delta And Anti-Delta

The Danube flows in accordance with all theories and definitions. After crossing Europe, it flows into the Black Sea, forming a delta which conforms entirely to the general definition of a delta. Over the centuries, the Danube had many other names: Danubius, Istrus, Histru,

The Danube Delta As A Living Environment And Its Biological Characteristics

excerpt The principal characteristic of the Danube Delta, a region in which water predominates over land, resides in the preponderance of aquatic organisms. From a scientific point of view, nor are the non-flooding land areas of the Delta lacking in interest, such as the