The Dynamic Equivalence Of Gypsy Fashion
Gianina lu' Manşonică of Sinteşti interviewed by Tita Chiper Our host's courtyard could be best described as transition in progress, accurately preserving each of its successive stages: it begins with two run-down foreign cars, and ends with an ashen tent proudly
A History Of The Albanian Community In Romania And Its Organization ALAR
President of ALAR Documents speak of an Albanian presence on Romanian land no earlier than 1595, when a report sent to the imperial Councillor Pezzen, by his agent Giovanni de Marini Poli on 14/24 March, highlights the arrival in Cervenavoda of 15,000 Albanians and their
The Life And Times Of Andrei Mihai Stan
Writing an oral history of a ten-year-old child may seem like a perfectly absurd enterprise any day of the week. The social experience of an individual of ten would not recommend an approach of this kind. With such a person it cannot be a matter of immediate memory. Hence
Bursieri "Nicolae Iorga" 2012-2014
SILVIA-DANA CACIURNăscută pe 27 ianuarie 1988, în Calafindeşti, judeţul Suceava. A absolvit “Colegiul Naţional Mihai Eminescu” din Suceava (profil umanistic, ştiinţe sociale – studii europene). Între 2007 şi 2010 a urmat cursurile Facultăţii de Istorie,