On Love And More Than Love
It is amazing how many children are begotten from the sentimental exultation that one or the other of their parents feel for a third person, another than the partner in the respective action, irrespective if the person in question be a man or a woman. Sometimes this third
The Galaxy Of Bachelors
Chapter VIII: The party on the 24th of August. Gaby and the other Sandu. Dyed. Pusha and Hippodrome. Gaby and the evil. The movie on TV. Stupid jokes. On the phone with Pusha. A letter. Fight and reconciliation with HippoLet's go back to 1963, a time in which Monica
The Wild Wine Gallery
excerpt He continued to walk towards the former Senate Square, his hand pressed against his jaw, still paralyzed from the aggression of the figurant, and the bizarre appearance of his General in that particular place. One blow after another. It was too much… It was indeed
Return To The Interwar Bucharest
excerpts So closeSuddenly, the interwar people make the body visible: men are allowed to shave off not only their beards, but also their moustaches – a facial change that overthrows an aesthetic canon with centuries-old resistance – and women, punished and ridiculed
Hyperion's Travels
excerpt A Gypsy woman materializes out of a bush with two brats in tow; they're tugging at her flowery skirts. Give us a grand, do, for the sake of them pretty eyes of yours, an' let yer decent soul rejoice for evermore. And are we goin' to have our fortunes
Love Thy Neighbor
excerpts . . . Chaplin. Einstein, Rubinstein, Chagall, Spinoza. I summon these exalted spirits above all because their proximity feels good; their genius, both innocent and supple, has a wholesome quality about it, and their absence from any intellectual banquet worthy
Popa Nan Alley In New Orleans
I was about 6 years old when I heard that Hitler refused to congratulate Jesse Owens at Berlin Olympics. I am one of those who knew that Hitler was the hideous name of a bad man, and Jesse Owens – a kind Negro who ran faster and jumped further than anybody. Hitler could
The Contribution Of Judaism
excerpts Beyond any currents, interpretations and influences, Judaism brought at least three fundamental principles to the basis of European culture: the secularization of the eternal, the ennoblement of matter through spirit, and the consideration of the human being as
The Divine Salamina
excerpt Themistocles was standing at the bow of his ship, which was beyond the battle line, so he could oversee the entire battle, staring inquisitively at the enemy. He could even see the grudging eyes of the warriors, filled with hatred. But the Persian battle line still
La Vie Des Mammifères Et Des Hommes Fossiles
La fonction crée et modèle l'organe; la moindre particule de l'organe est entretenue par une fonction actuelle: chaque particularité de la fonction est inscrite dans la forme de l'organe; à chaque seconde l'organe varie: la fonction l'accroît,
La Fin Du Monde, Une Histoire Sans Fin
C'est même la fin d'une civilisation. Le monde blanc se meurt. Le monde industriel de souche européenne – un milliard d'hommes, 40% des terres émergées, le quart de l'humanité, 80 à 85% des ressources et près de 99% de la puissance – est en
Du Dialogue Intérieur
IISUR LE TEMPS On pourrait croire que je conçois le temps, à la manière de Descartes, comme une succession d'instants discontinus. Il n'en est rien. Pour moi le temps est du continu: mais la continuité ne lui vient pas de l'étalement dans la succession