Calea Victoriei

12 Jul 2008 - 2 Sep 2008

Culorile avangardei. Arta în România 1910 – 1950

Expoziţie organizată de Institutul Cultural Român cu sprijinul British American Tobacco Romania la Muzeul Naţional de Artă Joi, 12 iulie 2007, la orele 19. 00, în Sala Tronului a Muzeului Naţional de Artă al României (Calea Victoriei 49-53, corp central), va

13 Jul 2008 - 2 Aug 2008

Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, Braşov, 12 iulie - 2 august 2009

EN - Read the text in English RO - Citeşte în limba română EN Learn Romanian in Romania! The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes Romanian language, culture and civilization courses in the 12th century citadel of Braşov. A multicultural environment, Braşov (Corona,

6 Jul 2007

Culorile avangardei. Arta în România 1910 – 1950

Expoziţie organizată de Institutul Cultural Român cu sprijinul British American Tobacco Romania la Muzeul Naţional de Artă Joi, 12 iulie 2007, la orele 19. 00, în Sala Tronului a Muzeului Naţional de Artă al României (Calea Victoriei 49-53, corp central), va


Revista Lettre Internationale, editată de Institutul Cultural Român, este disponibilă în librăria ICR (Aleea Alexandru 38, București, tel. 031 7100 658), precum şi în alte librării din ţară. De asemenea, revista poate fi primită și prin abonament. Prețul abonamentului

Night Lights Light Nights Of Bucharest

Sometimes glowing colorfully in the dusk air, as doors of museums open up for late visitors, or, some other times, its dark sky flushed by lasers for white nights of entertainment, Bucharest often begins to live and breathe anew after sundown.  White NightsNow that the

All Roads Lead To Bucharest

from left: buildings on Calea Victoriei and at Rosetti Sq. , University of Bucharest, building in Unirii Sq. According to the data from the latest statistical yearbook published in 2002, the average income per capita outside Bucharest is 82% of the average income of a person

The Bucharest Of Recurrent Pathologies

top row: around Bishopric St. , Capşa restaurant, Magheru Blvd. , in Cismigiu gardens (see also Them in Gallery) If we take an X-ray of the articles published by the major Romanian dailies, we get an overwhelming abundance of unsettling, grotesque events created by outbursts

New Buildings And Old Facades In Bucharest

1 2 1. Hotel on Victoria Road. The remake of the former National Theatre façade kept this operation away from the attacks against the tall buildings from the historic center. 2. The replacement of the old buildings from Lipscani area. The pseudo-classical pediment and

I No Longer Love Bucharest

I no longer love Bucharest. I'm no longer hoping something can be done about this dump of Europe An interview with Mircea Cărtărescu by Ion Longin Popescu Slowly but surely, the old, historic Bucharest – the little that was left after Ceauşescu's demolishing

L. P.

Athenaeum and CEC Palace on Calea Victoriei We like to refer to the “exterior” whenever we analyze local problems and the present day situation in our country can only prove us right. Starting with the ambition of political Europeanization and ending with the famous

The Past: Plus Quam Perfectum

Bucharest is a city in search of identity. Its precise moment of birth is unknown, for the Cetatea Dîmboviţei of the 14th and 15th centuries only played host to its rulers when they occasionally came to ward off threats from south of the Danube or Hungarian attacks form

A Tale Of A City

Dimbovitza river from Izvor bridge, Old Court ruins, Patriarchate Palace, old house on Gabroveni St. Romania's capital city Bucharest lies in the south-eastern part of the country: there, several centuries ago, the Vlasia Forests were reigning, from which just a few