Adrian Cioroianu

Paris In May

I cannot think of a more fortunate coincidence: this is the first time I have visited Paris in May and the show is extraordinary. I know somebody who keeps a dried chestnut flower between the covers of a notebook, a flower that he has picked up from the sidewalk in Cluny

A Morning Without Abu Ghraib

Dedicated to Ol' Eugen Hang on, ol' man: they caught once a 450-kilo sheatfish! It was nine meters long! They used a sheep for bait! There'd been ducks and geese disappearing from the Danube, but when it took away two children…That's what Ol'

Ivor Porter (1913-2012) - Un englez în istoria României/An Englishman in Romanian History

Volum bilingv, în limbile română și engleză, editat de ICR în parteneriat cu Fundaţia Culturală „Memoria“, cu prilejul împlinirii a 100 de ani de la nașterea marelui diplomat, personalitate al cărei nume se leagă de istoria României, biograf al Regelui Mihai