„O enciclopedie a Marii Uniri“, volum apărut la Editura ICR

Coordonatori: Ioan Bolovan, Gheorghe Iacob, Gheorghe Cojocaru Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2018 „Nivelul de dezvoltare al unei culturi a fost şi încă mai este dat, printre altele, de numărul şi calitatea instrumentelor de lucru create. Enciclopediile, dicţionarele

Lettre Internationale nr. 106 / vara 2018

A apărut noul număr, 106, al revistei Lettre Internationale, editată de Institutul Cultural Român. SUMAR Nr. 106 ISTORICE Șerban Pavelescu – Păcile României Mari 3 Emilia Cernăianu – Însemnările unui luptător: N. N. Tonitza 8 Steluţa Boroghină


Revista Glasul Bucovinei este o publicaţie trimestrială de istorie şi cultură care-şi propune, în primul rând, recuperarea adevărului istoric: cronologia istorică şi politică, activitatea partidelor politice, mărturii istorice, aspecte de viaţă spirituală,


by Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea (1858-1918)

A Tale Of A City

Dimbovitza river from Izvor bridge, Old Court ruins, Patriarchate Palace, old house on Gabroveni St. Romania's capital city Bucharest lies in the south-eastern part of the country: there, several centuries ago, the Vlasia Forests were reigning, from which just a few

Con Los Rumanos De Barcelona: Sobre La Identidad Etnica Y ¿Mundializacion (Globalizacion)?

Aa lo largo del período de su estancia en España, Vintila Horia el exiliado, se sintió como si estuviese en su antigua casa que había vuelto a encontrar (Vintila Horia fue un europeo nacido en Rumanía y arraigado en España, que edita en París, Roma y Madrid sus novelas

Brâncuşi Y Su Influencia En La Escultura Del Siglo XX

El escultor más importante de la primera mitad delsiglo XX fue sin duda alguna Constantin Brancusi(1876 – 1957), un rumano… (Howard Hibbard, Obras maestras de la escultura – la plástica europea y americana de la Edad Media hasta el presente, Nueva York, 1977) Preámbulo 

The End Of The World. History Without an End

The 1900 Crisis The Break By 1900, no more bets. Pessimism. Denial of progress, return of the cyclic history. Social conflicts. Revolutions. Decline of the West and the yellow peril. Anti-utopia. The Great War. Abstract art. Earthquakes. Halley's comet. The end of the

A History Of The Imaginary. The Truth Of The Myths

CHAPTER I Structures and Methods An Ambiguous Condition What if the history of the imaginary did not exist? Beyond all paradox, the question deserves to be raised. Following a hectic and contorted history, this discipline is hindered by theoretical and ideological difficulties.

For Writers Are All Jesters, And All The Jests Together: Literature

For writers are all jesters, and all the jests together: Literature  In the history of literature, Tristan Tzara is regarded as the founder of Dada, an international literary and artistic movement, born in Zurich in 1916, with ramifications and outposts across three continents.

The 20th Century - The Century Of Avant-Garde

The year 1900. Europe's countries are divided on the question: does the 20th century begin in 1900 or in 1901? Some opt for 1900, by virtue of the change in the figure of the hundreds. Others are partisans of 1901, for reasons of more sophisticated arithmetic. Particular

B. Fundoianu / Benjamin Fondane (1898-1944)

B. Fundoianu began to publish persistently and regularly in 1918, when he was twenty; with the determination that characterized him, he embarked upon a tireless mission that took all the attributes of a vocation: that of a messenger of French – hence European – culture