EURESIS no. 1-4 / 2009
Le numéro de notre revue que nous consacrions en 1995 au postmodernisme dans la culture roumaine a été favorablement accueilli autant en Roumanie qu'à l'extérieur. Des chercheurs de la littérature et de la culture roumaine de l'étranger nous écrivent
EURESIS no.3-4 / 2007
Cahiers roumains d'études littéraires et culturelles Tema: Centenaire Mircea Eliade (1907-2007). Mircea Eliade - Le défi de l'histoire Din cuprins: Contextes - texte de Marta Petreu, Liviu Antonesei, Cornel Ungureanu, Liviu Bordaş Rencontres - texte
EURESIS no.3-4 / 2006
Tema: Du corps Din cuprins: Le corps dans la littérature, le corps de la littérature - texte de Gheorghe Crăciun, Simona Drăgan, Caius Dobrescu, Romulus Bucur, Rodica Ilie, Alexandru Muşina, Ariane Luthi Auteurs français: Marie-Christine Desmaret, Ioan Pop-Curseu,
Zece publicații culturale în limba română din Republica Moldova primesc finanțare de la ICR „Mihai Eminescu” Chişinău
Institutul Cultural Român„Mihai Eminescu” de la Chişinău sprijină financiar apariția a zece publicații culturale în limba română din Republica Moldova, în urma concursului desfășurat în perioada mai – iunie 2023. Consecvent tradiţiei sale de a susţine
BUCUREȘTI. Noul număr al ”Lettre Internationale”: istoria trebuie rescrisă
Numărul 112 / iarna 2019 al revistei Lettre Internationale are în Sumar: RETROSPECTIVE / PERSPECTIVE Pierre Grosser –1989 sau sensul istoriei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Marianne Belis – Mai există oare dulcea Franță? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Lynx
Furry spearsOn its ears The sharpest clawsInside its paws Greedy cat's eyesFlames in disguise Not a rustle, not a breezeAs a herd of deer freeze Hungry,Stretched bow lies in waitThe beastTakes out its clawsWith clenched jawsToo late! Poor deer!Falls without a soundDeath
excerpt I blindfolded the birdsWith a veil of cloudsAnd I told them to catch meAnd the birds caught meWith a song. . . . Translated by Adrian Solomon by Marin Sorescu (1931-1996)
My Insects
My insects have devoured all the peopleAnd on the deserted streets of the city They are parading the spiders and the locusts Are the most constantine They've got perfect serums in wiresAnd are pricking the statue of the magical brother In their hands they carry the
I Had Entered The Forest
I had entered the forest With other forests on my shoulders My knees were shiningAnd maybe their love was everything Then I told the birds You birdsLet us play phoenixes for whomIn our grey cutaways Above us the sun shook its maneThen night fell in my mouth Translated