Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute
If you want to learn Romanian, the Romanian Cultural Institute offers the opportunity to enroll in extensive courses, either in-person or online, starting from December 30, 2024. These courses, held in Bucharest from January 27, 2025, are available at all proficiency
Cursul de limba română la Accademia di Romania in Roma 2024/2025
Accademia di Romania in Roma anunță cu bucurie începerea înscrierilor pentru modulul A1, al cursului de limba română susținut de prof. Nicoleta Neșu. În acest semestru, din 2 octombrie 2024, încep cursurile de limba română pentru începători. Cursurile
Extended deadline for the enrollment in the Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses in Brașov
The new enrollment deadline for Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses – Summer School in Brașov is June 10th, 2024. For registration, applicants will send the following scanned documents to the email address roxana. dinca@icr. ro: · the
Announcing the winners of the Summer School scholarships
As a result of the evaluation of the 13 applications for the places exempted from participation fee, offered by the RCI, the following applicants were awarded: Nastasia Makouchyk (Belarus) Valentin Rusev (Bulgaria) Nicholas Bishara (Israel) Jérémy Floutier
Announcement regarding the extension of the application period for the Summer School scholarships
The deadline for registration and submission of additional documents for candidates applying for fee-exempt positions has been extended to May 22nd, 2024. Applications will be evaluated by a committee of 3 (three) external evaluators between May 27th-30th, 2024. Participants
Learn Romanian in Romania! Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses
27th Edition – Braşov, Romania July 1st –20th, 2024The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses in Brasov, the program being organized in partnership with the Faculty of Letters of the Transilvania University
Cursuri de limba română pentru adulți și copii, organizate de ICR Viena
Institutul Cultural Român de la Viena oferă cursuri de limba română pentru adulți, diverse nivele. Pe parcursul cursurilor veți învăța să vă exprimați oral și în scris pe teme familiare, veți reuși să înțelegeți un mesaj sau un text în limba română
2024 CALENDAR // Romanian language classes for foreigners and conversation workshops organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute
Learn Romanian at the Romanian Cultural Institute! 16 years of Romanian language classes ROMANIA(N) IN A NUTSHELL -Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners If you want to study Romanian for your business, for your job or for fun, the language courses offered
Learn Romanian at the Romanian Cultural Institute! 15 years of Romanian language classes!
ROMANIA(N) IN A NUTSHELL -Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners The Romanian Cultural Institute has been organizing the Romanian language courses for foreigners since 2008. If you want to study Romanian for your business, for your job or for fun, the language
Participanți din 12 țări la Școala de Vară organizată de Institutul Cultural Român la Brașov
Institutul Cultural Român reia, după o pauză de trei ani, programul Școala de Vară de la Brașov, în cadrul căruia sunt organizate cursuri de limbă, cultură și civilizație românească pentru străini. Ediția din acest an a programului, cu numărul 26,
Școala de Vară, cel mai vechi program al Institutului Cultural Român, revine la Brașov
După trei ani de absență, Școala de Vară revine la Brașov în perioada 2-23 iulie 2023. Evenimentul de deschidere va avea loc luni, 3 iulie 2023, ora 11. 00, la Universitatea „Transilvania din Brașov (în corpul N al Facultății de Litere), în prezența prof.
Learn Romanian in Romania! Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania 26th edition, July 2nd –23rd 2023
Update 17. 05. 2023: As a result of the evaluation of the 14 applications for the places exempted from participation fee, offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute (one of the 15 applications was not eligible), the following applicants were awarded: Ines Ferreira Reis (Portugal),