
5 Mar 2018 - 26 Mar 2018

Apel de proiecte pentru premiul „Intercultural Achievement Award 2018“ oferit de Ministerul federal pentru Europa, Integrare și Afaceri externe al Austriei

Ministerul federal pentru Europa, Integrare și Afaceri externe al Austriei anunţă lansarea apelului la candidatură pentru „Premiul pentru Realizări Interculturale 2018“ /„Intercultural Achievement Award 2018“ (IAA). Competiţia recompensează proiectele

6 Feb 2018 - 2 Mar 2018

Burse oferite cetăţenilor străini de statul român prin Ministerul Afacerilor Externe

Programul de burse oferite de statul român, prin Ministerul Afacerilor Externe,cetăţenilor străini, pe baza H. G. 288/1993,pentru anul universitar 2018 – 20191. Condiţii generale de atribuire a burselorNumărul de burse: 85 de burse pentru studii universitare şi

1 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme for

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

13 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants - ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on

15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on

Apel la candidatură pentru Bursele „George Enescu” – sesiunea 2018

Bursele George Enescu – sesiunea 2018. Apel la candidatură Bursele „George Enescu” se acordă muzicienilor şi constau în subvenţia pentru o perioadă de trei luni la instituţii de profil din Paris (în speţă, Cité Internationale des Arts); Obiectivul

23 Nov 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme