
Bursele „Constantin Brâncuşi“ şi „George Enescu“ - sesiunea 2019

Bursele „Constantin Brâncuşi” se acordă artiştilor plastici şi constau în subvenţia pentru un stagiu de trei luni la instituţii de profil din Paris (în speţă, Cité Internationale des Arts);  Bursele „George Enescu” se acordă muzicienilor şi constau

1 Aug 2018 - 10 Sep 2018

Q21 Artists-in-Residence OPEN CALL for artists from Central-, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe 2019

OverviewThis studioprogram is dedicated to artists from Central-, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe who do not normally reside in Austria. It aims to give them the opportunity to live and work at Q21 as Artists-in-Residence. A live/work studio is available in the MuseumsQuartier

14 Jun 2018 - 15 Jul 2018

Prelungirea termenului pentru depunerea dosarelor - Burse Traducători Profesioniști

Update 19. 07. 2018 Ca urmare a numărului insuficient de dosare depuse, termenul limită de înscriere se prelungește până la data de 24 August 2018. Adresa la care se trimit documentele: Institutul Cultural Român, Aleea Alexandru nr. 38, sector 1, 011824 Bucureşti.

Bursele Centenar (destinate românilor din afara granițelor). Rezultate 2018

Update 11. 10. 2018Rezultate 2018 – Bursele CENTENAR În urma şedinţei de evaluare şi selecţie a dosarelor depuse de candidaţii înscrişi la concursul de burse Centenar, au fost declaraţi câştigători următorii candidaţi: Nr. crt.  

Bursele pentru jurnaliști culturali străini 2018

Bursele de cercetare și documentare destinate jurnaliştilor culturali străini constau în susținerea financiară a unui stagiu de documentare de o lună în România, pentru a realiza proiecte vizând promovarea fenomenului cultural românesc în presa străină.

23 Jan 2018 - 31 Mar 2018

Richtlinien für das Literaturstipendium eines Stadtschreibers/einer Stadtschreiberin der Stadt Graz 2018/2019

Ausschreibung für den Zeitraum vom September 2018 bis August 2019 Dotation / Förderungsziel Die Stadt Graz vergibt jährlich das Literaturstipendium „Grazer StadtschreiberIn“. Mit der Zuerkennung dieses Stipendiums sind die kostenlose Bereitstellung

5 Mar 2018 - 26 Mar 2018

Intercultural Achievement Award 2018

Der Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) ist ein Schlüsselprojekt des interkulturellen Dialogs. Der Preis zeichnet erfolgreiche, innovative Projekte im Bereich des interkulturellen Dialogs auf österreichischer und internationaler Ebene aus. Der Preis steht jenen offen,

6 Feb 2018 - 2 Mar 2018

Scholarships offered by the Romanian State to foreign citizens through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The scholarship program offered by the Romanian state,through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to foreign citizens,based on G. D. 288/1993, for the academic year 2018 - 20191. General conditions for awarding scholarshipsNumber of scholarships: 85 scholarships for under-

1 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme for

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme

14 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

ICR acordă pentru anul 2018 burse cercetătorilor străini

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers GrantsThe Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral

13 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

Call for Application: Foreign Researchers Grants

The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 grants of 3,000 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their three-months stay in Romania. The program is dedicated to academic upskilling focusing on both doctoral candidates who work on a Romanian theme