"ALMOST", a Romanian Premiere at Battery Dance Festival 2020
We return to one of NYC’s most beloved festivals, Battery Dance Festival, with an original, specially produced show, stunningly choreographed and performed by Ana Maria Lucaciu and Razvan Stoian. Artfully shot by director Tobin Del Cuore, “Almost” is an opportune parable
Romanian Masterpieces with Outstanding Dana Ciocarlie
The spring and summer musical tour de force of the Enescu Soirees finishes after 17 exclusive online recitals with a collection of great Romanian scores presented by DANA CIOCARLIE, one of today’s most acclaimed pianists. The France-based Romanian musician describes her
Radu Pavel Gheo / LIFE ANEW. Writers Imagine the World after the Pandemic
The first season of LIFE ANEW. Writers Imagine the World after the Pandemic, the online series that we created together with the National Museum of Romanian Literature, concludes with RADU PAVEL GHEO, one of the most original and influential voices in Romania’s contemporary
NEW YORK. Portret online al culturii române pentru publicul american
Una dintre transformările radicale impuse de pandemie este și accelerarea tranziției spre diplomație culturală digitală, care va deveni, din ce în ce mai mult, chiar și după revenirea la normalitate, una dintre formulele predilecte și permanente de promovare națională.
Contemporary Romanian Art Scene in 7 Gallery Tours | E4/7: GALERIILE CAROL
Our online Arts dedicated series brings you the hotspots of Romania’s contemporary visual arts scene and some of the most talked-about artists' shows through 7 virtual gallery tours introduced by well establish curators and artists. Explore the portfolio of these
A Decade of Enescu Projects with Lucian Ban and Mat Maneri
One of the highlights of our Enescu Soirees Online is an exclusive overview of a decade of musical creativity inspired by the great composer who lends his name to this program, which is offered by two champions of George Enescu’s music, Romanian-American pianist and composer
Ioana Ieronim / LIFE ANEW. Writers Imagine the World after the Pandemic
In times of calamity and social distress, it was often the writers who were called to imagine how the world would heal its wounds and begin again. Inspired by the creative examples of the past, we have summoned an extraordinary ensemble of authors and translators and challenged
Contemporary Romanian Art Scene in 7 Gallery Tours | E3/7: SANDWICH
Our newest online series brings you the hotspots of Romania’s contemporary visual arts scene and some of the most talked-about artists' shows through 7 virtual gallery tours introduced by well establish curators and artists. Explore the portfolio of these first-rate
Music to Forget about Worrisome Times
In the next online recital of our Enescu Soirees Romanian-American pianist ANGELA DRAGHICESCU and American violist ELIAS GOLDSTEIN demonstrate, through masterpieces of the Romantic era and beyond, the power of music to lift us above the many concerns of a difficult time.
Gabriela Adameșteanu / LIFE ANEW. Writers Imagine the World after the Pandemic
In times of calamity and social distress, it was often the writers who were called to imagine how the world would heal its wounds and begin again. Inspired by the creative examples of the past, we have summoned an extraordinary ensemble of authors and translators and challenged
The History of Romania in One Object / Romania a Member of the EU Stamp Issue
The first season of the HISTORY OF ROMANIA IN ONE OBJECT series concludes with the epoch-making event of Romania's integration into the European Union, the most consequential, transformative political arrangement our country has ever been part of. The symbolical object
Contemporary Romanian Art Scene in 7 Gallery Tours | E2/7: CENTRUL DE INTERES
Our newest online series brings you the hotspots of Romania’s contemporary visual arts scene and some of the most talked-about artists' shows through 7 virtual gallery tours introduced by well establish curators and artists. Explore the portfolio of these first-rate